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Eurostopodus guttatus. Podargus humeralis, VIG. and HORSF. Aegotheles Novae-Hollandiae, VIG. and HORSF.? Merops ornatus, LATH. Dacelo gigas, BODD. Halcyon sanctus, VIG. and HORSF. pyrrhopygia, GOULD. Alcyone azurea. Falcunculus frontatus, VIG. and HORSF. Oreoica gutturalis.

Not a mark to indicate who carried it nor whence it came. Yet stay; in the closed room he detected what had been lost in the open: a faint, a very faint, odour as of azurea sachet. It was only a suggestion; vague and uncertain, and entirely absent at times. And Harleston shook his head.

It was commonly called Syringa vulgaris azurea plena, and seems to have been very rare and without real ornamental value. Lemoine, however, conceived the desirability of a combination of the doubling with the bright colors and large flower-racemes of other lilacs, and performed a series of crosses.

The coroner replaced the knife without further comment. "You use azurea perfume, do you not?" he asked. "Yes." "What was your object in trying to rub out a blood stain on the front of Mr. Spencer's white shirt, Miss Whitney, while you were in the elevator?" asked Penfield. Kathleen looked at him dully. "Wh-what d-did you say?" she stuttered.

The "azurea plena" has no stamens, and therefore must be used in all crosses as the pistil-parent; its ovary is narrowly inclosed in the tube of the flower, and difficult to fertilize. On the other hand, new crosses could be made every year, and the total number of hybrids with different pollen-parents was rapidly increased.

For answer Penfield took from the pile of clothing on the table a white shirt and pointed to a discoloration on its glazed surface. "When I first saw this shirt on Mr. Spencer it reeked of perfume," he said sternly. "Submitted to chemical tests, I find a blood stain was partially removed by azurea. Again I ask, what was your object in attempting to remove the blood stain?"