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She had no pleasures, she incurred no expenses; and was quite alive to the fact that as Aylmer Park required a regiment of lazy, gormandizing servants to maintain its position in the county, the Aylmers themselves should not be lazy, and should not gormandize. No one was more careful with her few shillings than Miss Aylmer.

Is anything settled yet? 'She is going to Aylmer Castle. 'To Aylmer Castle! Is she indeed? At once? 'Very soon. Lady Aylmer has asked her. 'Lady Aylmer! Then I suppose 'You suppose what? Will Belton asked. 'I did not think she would have gone to Aylmer Castle though I dare say it is the best thing she could do She seemed to me to dislike the Aylmers that is, Lady Aylmer so much!

I suppose it is selfishness, but I felt, and still feel, that unless I can have you for my wife, I cannot be happy or care for anything. Now you are free again free, I mean, from Captain Aylmer and how is it possible that I should not again have a hope? Nothing but your marriage or death could keep me from hoping. 'I don't know much about the Aylmers.

The Aylmers were a considerable people, and he, though a younger brother, had much more than a younger brother's portion.

"If I come to-morrow," he was saying, "you will be at home, Bertha?" "Yes." "Then, good-night," holding out his hand, "only I wish so that you would go to the Aylmers instead of home. That protégée of Mrs. Aylmer's the little singing girl would touch your heart with her voice.

He could well understand that such a visit on her part would give a mortal offence to all the Aylmers. That tyranny of which Clara spoke with so much dread would be exhibited then without reserve, and so there would be an end altogether of the Aylmer alliance. But were she once to start for Aylmer Park, then there would be no hope for him. Then her fate would be decided, and his.

Legers, Lutrells, Plunketts, Dillons, Nugents, Prestons, Berminghams, Townleys, Aylmers, Flemings, Wyses, Eustaces, Brabazons, etc. Even Patrick Barnewall, who had resisted so strenuously the suppression of the monasteries in 1536, could not resist the temptation of sharing in the plunder. He secured for himself a large portion of the lands and advowsons of the Convent of Grace-Dieu.

Her cousin answered with a sigh, 'Yes, but you do not remember the old ones, Lily; then, after a pause, he added, 'It was a grievous mistake to shut up the castle all these years. We have lost sight of everybody. I do not even know what has become of the Aylmers. 'They went to live in London, said Emily, 'Aunt Robert used to write to them there. 'I know, I know, but where are they now?

If retrenchment was necessary Aylmer Park must be abandoned, and the glory of the Aylmers must be allowed to pale. But things were not so bad as that with Sir Anthony.

The Aylmers are pleasant people; and her husband away, she can have nothing but enjoyment. I give her credit for promoting his going dutifully down to Bath, to fetch his mother; but how will she and the dowager agree in one house? Henry is not at hand, so I have nothing to say from him. Do not you think Edmund would have been in town again long ago, but for this illness? Yours ever, Mary."