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A form of Yoga that is said to consist in the mingling of some of the air supposed to exist in every animal body. These airs are five: Prana, Apana, Samana, Udana, and Vyana. The 8 Vasus, the 11 Rudras, the 12 Adityas, Prajapati, and Vashatkara. An order of celestials. Celestial flowers of much fragrance. The ascetic properties are Anima, Laghima, etc.

The Apana wind, whose motion is downward, as connected with the soul, is called the lower duct. As connected with objects, it is the excreta that is ejected; and the presiding deity there is Mitra. As connected with the soul, the organ of generation is mentioned, the producer of all beings. As connected with objects, it is the vital seed; and the presiding deity is Prajapati.

Then Udana, after having gone into extinction, began once more to move about, Prana and Apana and Samana and Vyana said, unto him, O Udana, "thou art not the foremost one among us, only Vyana is under thy dominion." ""The Brahmana continued, 'Unto them assembled together, the Lord of creatures, Brahma, said, "No one of you is superior to others. Ye are all endued with particular attributes.

Second, that power which throws out of the system such things as are not wanted. It is called in Sanskrit Apana. Third, it takes the name of Samana, as performing digestive functions and carrying the extract of food to every part of the body.

Fixing the vital breaths Prana, Apana, Samana, Udana and Vyana in the heart, they concentrated the mind in Prana and Apana united together. They then placed the two united breaths in the abdomen, and directed their gaze to the tip of the nose and then immediately below the two eye-brows.

Indeed, Rama, the son of Dasaratha, greatly outshone all creatures. When Rama ruled his kingdom, the Rishis, the gods, and men, all lived together on the earth. The lives of living creatures were never otherwise. The life-breaths also, called Prana, Apana, Samana, and the others, when Rama ruled his kingdom, all performed their functions.

""The Brahmana's wife said, 'That naturally there are seven sacrificing priests is what was my former conviction. Let the great principle be declared to me as to how, verily, the number is five of the sacrificing priests. ""The Brahmana said, 'The wind nursed by Prana afterwards takes birth in Apana. The wind nursed in Apana then becomes developed into Vyana.

But without us thou canst have no perception. Without us no happiness can come to thee.""" ""The Brahmana said, 'In this connection, O blessed lady, is cited the ancient story of what kind the institution is of the five sacrificing priests. The learned know this to be a great principle that Prana and Apana and Udana and Samana and Vyana are the five sacrificing priests.

The breath called Apana, having recourse to the heat that is in the urethra and the abdominal intestines, moves, engaged in carrying out urine and faeces. That single breath which operates in these three, is called Udana by those that are conversant with science. That breath which operates, residing in all the joints of men's bodies, is called Vyana.

In the union of semen and blood, generated by Samana and Vyana, the pair that consists of Prana and Apana, enters, moving transversely and upwards, Vyana and Samana both form a pair that moves transversely. Even this is the teaching of the Veda. The knowledge of Agni arises in a Brahmana with intelligence. The attribute that is known by the name of Passion is in its ashes.