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At her feet little Scherau lay asleep. Presently she pushed the child with her foot. "Wake up," she said, as he raised himself still half asleep. "You have young ears it seemed to me that I heard a woman scream in Ani's tent. Do you hear any thing?" "Yes, indeed," exclaimed the little one. "There is a noise like crying, and that that was a scream! It came from out there, from Nemu's tent."

"And he is particularly glad it should be precisely Rui's body, which the sacred heart should have blessed. You ask why? Hatasu is Ani's ancestress, blockhead!" "And Rui was prophet of the temple of Hatasu," added the joiner. "The priests over there are all hangers-on of the old royal house, that I know," asserted a baker. "That's no secret!" cried the cobbler.

Bent-Anat made a sign of assent and went on: "It is quite clear to me. I can do nothing else." "Then thou dost not need my counsel, since even thy father, I well know, will not be able to alter thy decision." "Not God even," said Anat firmly. "But you are Ani's friend, and as I esteem him, I would save him from this humiliation. Endeavor to persuade him to give up his suit.

He proposed to travel after sunset, with a few faithful servants on swift horses as far as Keft, and from thence ride fast across the desert to the Red Sea, where they could take a Phoenician ship, and sail to Aila. From thence they would cross the peninsula of Sinai, and strive to reach the Egyptian army by forced marches, and make the king acquainted with Ani's criminal attempts.

When the widow was about to withdraw to her sleeping-room, and Nemu had lighted her lamp, she remembered the secret which was to deliver Paaker into Ani's hands.

Rameses learned from the papers found in Ani's tent, and from other evidence which was only too abundant, that the superior of the House of Seti, and with him the greater part of the priesthood, had for a long time been making common cause with the traitor; in the first instance he determined on the severest, nay bloodiest punishment, but he was persuaded by Pentaur and by his son Chamus to assert and support the principles of his government by milder and yet thorough measures.

She pictured herself with her son and daughter as enjoying Mena's estate, freed from debt and increased by Ani's generosity, and then a new, intoxicating hope came into her mind. Perhaps already at this moment her daughter was a widow, and why should she not be so fortunate as to induce Ani to select her child, the prettiest woman in Thebes, for his wife?

"And he is particularly glad it should be precisely Rui's body, which the sacred heart should have blessed. You ask why? Hatasu is Ani's ancestress, blockhead!" "And Rui was prophet of the temple of Hatasu," added the joiner. "The priests over there are all hangers-on of the old royal house, that I know," asserted a baker. "That's no secret!" cried the cobbler.

Ani's hawk is dead; he has nothing to hope for from Fortune, and I nothing to hope for from him. But if Rameses if the real king would promise me then my poor old body Yes, that is the thing, that is what I will do."

He could not bear to enter the splendid pavilion which had been Ani's; it seemed to him infested with the leprosy of falsehood and treason. For an hour he remained alone, and weighed the worst he had suffered at the hands of men against that which was good and cheering, and he found that the good far outweighed the evil.