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"Pentaur came in with Nebsecht," he exclaimed, "and they are intimate friends. Where was the leech while I was staying in Thebes?" "He was taking care of the child hurt by Bent-Anat the child of the paraschites Pinem, and he stayed there three days," replied Gagabu. "And it was Pinem," said Ameni, "that opened the body of Rui! Now I know who has dimmed Pentaur's faith.

May His word and His mercy go with you, so that you may be well and we also, according to the words of Paul. "ORI A ORI, that is to say, RUI." "All told," said Stevenson, "if my books have enabled or helped me to make this voyage, to know Rui, and to have received such a letter, they have ... not been writ in vain."

The poet looked full at her; then he turned quickly, as if to avoid a danger, towards the door of the confessional. Bent-Anat called his name, and he stayed his steps: "The daughter of Rameses," she said, "need offer no justification of her appearance here, but the maiden Bent-Anat," and she colored as she spoke, "expected to find, not thee, but the old priest Rui, and she desired his advice.

At last he rode into the capital and as he passed the temple of Amon he heard loud lamentations, though he had learned on the way that the plague had ceased. What many a sign told him was confirmed at last by some passing guards the first prophet and high-priest of Amon, the grey-haired Rui, had died in the ninety-eighth year of his life.

Even if Mesu should induce them to acknowledge his God, the experienced sage clearly foresaw that they would speedily turn from the invisible Spirit, who must ever remain aloof and incomprehensible, and return by hundreds to the gods they understood. Now Egypt was threatened with the loss of the laborers and builders she so greatly needed, but Rui believed that they might be won back.

The noble inspector of sacrifices of the temple of Anion has not been deceived in his judgment; a ram's heart was in fact found in the pious breast of Rui. I heard distinctly the voice of the Divinity in the sanctuary, and strange indeed was the speech that met my ear.

Then I stood before the strong, stout corpse of the prophet Rui, who died of apoplexy, and I remembered the honor and the riches that he had enjoyed on earth, and that he at least for a time had known happiness and ease. And as soon as I was alone, I slipped my hand into the bag, and changed the sheep's heart for his.

"And he is particularly glad it should be precisely Rui's body, which the sacred heart should have blessed. You ask why? Hatasu is Ani's ancestress, blockhead!" "And Rui was prophet of the temple of Hatasu," added the joiner. "The priests over there are all hangers-on of the old royal house, that I know," asserted a baker. "That's no secret!" cried the cobbler.

But the good Isis, who herself had wept her eyes red in bitter anguish, could understand her woe. And how often in Egypt it was the wife who determined her husband's relations to the gods! Rui had frequently seen Hebrew men and women praying fervently in Egyptian temples.

A proscribed paraschites put it into the body of Rui, and and " he opened the cupboard, threw the carcase of the ape and some clothes on to the floor, and took out an alabaster bowl which he held before the poet "the muscles you see here in brine, this machine, once beat in the breast of the prophet Rui. My sheep's heart wilt be carried to-morrow in the procession!