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"If we'd had anybody but a lot of mullet-heads for officers we'd a'been sent up here last week, when the weather and the roads were good, and when we could've done something. Now our boys'll be licked before we can get where we can help 'em." Glen leaned on his musket, and listening to the deepening roar of battle, was shaken by the surge of emotions natural to the occasion.

"Why not?" asked Caldew. "The Herediths have always married in the county, as far back as can be counted. It was thought Miss Heredith would make a match between Mr. Philip and the daughter of Sir Harry Ravenworth, of the Wilcotes. The Ravenworths are the second family in the county, and well-to-do. 'Twould a'been a most suitable match, as folk here agreed. But 'twas not to be, more's the pity."

"Here, Missus a pot of ale all round, and let 'em drink to two Cornish boys home from festerin' in French war prisons, while they've a'been diggin' taties!"

"Seems like it's the only time I've weltered in my own gore for a coon's age," Perk was saying as he looked at the stains on his faithful if faded rag that had been his close companion on many a long flight through fog and storm, wintry cold and summer heat. "But then I got a notion Oscar must a'been nipped, too, mebbe a whole lot worse'n me.

An' over there on that bush is the paper the string was tied aroun' wind blowed it over there, I guess." He waded through the snow to where the paper had lodged, and picked it up. "It's even got a pos'mark onto it," he announced, "and part of the address. It must a'been quite a sizable package, 'cause it took foteen cents to send it from Los Angeles to Miss Marion "

But everybody went away impressed with Mr. Petifer's sudden accession of dramatic power. "That comes of the play-house, mark me if it do'ent," said Farmer Shorter, as he buttoned his coat. "Folk do'ent go up to London for notheng, an' curat's been to the tradigy that's where he's a'been."

Strikes me they're a'searchin' for somethin', Jack, which might be the pair o' us, eh, what?" "Right you are!" snapped Jack, without hesitating a second. "Which, I take it, would mean there might a'been some sort o' little leak up at Headquarters, hang the luck, when we figured we'd got the gang buffaloed right smart. Don't think they c'n lamp us lyin' here, do you, Boss?"

"If it all depended on my poor head I kinder guess I'd a'slipped up right then an' there an' give the hull scheme away which would a'been a danged shame, an' busted the game higher'n a kite." "We make a pretty good team, matey," said Jack.

I was warned never to let him get a chance to beat me to the draw some call him a rattlesnake, only he lacks that reptile's honesty in always giving warning when about to strike. Don't forget, Perk, in dealing with this slick article you've got to be on your guard every minute of the time." "Glad you told me that, Jack, I might a'been fooled, an' treated him as a soft guy.

"The daughter of the moat-house housekeeper. She came to the moat-house with her mother nearly ten years agone. She was a pretty little thing. Miss Heredith was very fond of her, and sent her to school. Mr. Philip was fond of her too, in his way, though, of course, there could never a'been anything between them. But nobody hereabouts ever expected him to marry a London young lady."