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Boinville the white-haired Maimuna and of her daughter, Mrs. Turner." The aged Zonoras was deceased, but the white-haired Maimuna was still on deck, as we see. "Such," says Hogg, "were the delights of Shelley's paradise in Bracknell." The white-haired Maimuna presently writes to Hogg: "I will not have you despise home-spun pleasures. Shelley is making a trial of them with us " A trial of them.

No, we are getting to expect this kind of device, and to give it merely a sniff for certainty's sake and then walk around it and leave it lying. Shelley was not after the aged Zonoras; he was pointed for Cornelia and the Italian lessons, for his warm nature was craving sympathy. The year 1813 is just ended now, and we step into 1814.

We get it with characteristic promptness and depravity: "But Prince Athanase found not the aged Zonoras, the friend of his boyhood, in any wanderings to Windsor. Dr. Lind had died a year since, and with his death Windsor must have lost, for Shelley, its chief attraction." Still, not to mention Shelley's wife, there was Bracknell, at any rate. While Bracknell remains, all solace is not lost.

He could have written and asked about the aged Zonoras before taking the house. He may not have had the address, but that is nothing any postman would know the aged Zonoras; a dead postman would remember a name like that. And yet, why throw a rag like this to us ravening wolves? Is it seriously supposable that we will stop to chew it and let our prey escape?