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Her'd ha' corned to gie thee a kiss, if her'd a-been 'n a vit staäte; but her's zent thee zummat " He foraged in the skirt pockets of his threadbare coat and brought out a paper of sandwiches and a long-nosed apple. I saw the young man wince. "Her reckoned you'd veel a wamblin' in the stommick, travellin' arl the waäy from Hexeter to Plymouth. There, stow it awaäy. Not veelin' peckish?

'And do you mean to say, you villains, cried Jeremy, scarce knowing whether to laugh, or to swear, or what to do; 'that your officers took their dismissal thus, and let you come on without them? 'What could 'em do? asked the little man, with reason certainly on his side: 'hus zent 'em about their business, and they was glad enough to goo.

Coom'th over me as the spring do, though I be naigh three score. Now, Jan, I will tell thee one thing, can't abear to zee thee vretting so. Hould thee head down, same as they pegs do." So I bent my head quite close to her; and she whispered in my ear, "Goo of a marning, thee girt soft. Her can't get out of an avening now, her hath zent word to me, to tull 'ee."

An' it's a downright roarin' shame, as when he's got the chance o' making a bit o' money wi' sending goods out, ten or twelve per zent clear, when freight an' commission's paid, as he shouldn't lay hold o' the chance for want o' money.

I vas coming up in the Bristol coach yesterday, and the guard he told me that he had vifteen thousand pound in hard gold in the boot that had been zent up to back our man." "They'll be in luck if they see their money again," said another. "Harrison's no lady's-maid fighter, and he's blood to the bone. He'd have a shy at it if his man was as big as Carlton House."

For I love to see the love in thee. Coom'th over me as the spring do, though I be naigh three score. Now, Jan, I will tell thee one thing, can't abear to zee thee vretting so. Hould thee head down, same as they pegs do. So I bent my head quite close to her; and she whispered in my ear, 'Goo of a marning, thee girt soft. Her can't get out of an avening now, her hath zent word to me, to tull 'ee.

I can't do any more voark for you; and I can't geep the mawney you haf baid me a'ready. It iss not hawnest mawney that hass been oarned py voark; it iss mawney that hass peen mate py sbeculation, and the obbression off lapor, and the necessity of the boor, py a man Here it is, efery tollar, efery zent. Dake it; I feel as if dere vas ploodt on it."

"And do you mean to say, you villains," cried Jeremy, scarce knowing whether to laugh, or to swear, or what to do; "that your officers took their dismissal thus, and let you come on without them?" "What could 'em do?" asked the little man, with reason certainly on his side: "hus zent 'em about their business, and they was glad enough to goo."

I can't do any more voark for you; and I can't geep the mawney you haf baid me a'ready. It iss not hawnest mawney that hass been oarned py voark; it iss mawney that hass peen mate py sbeculation, and the obbression off lapor, and the necessity of the boor, py a man Here it is, efery tollar, efery zent. Dake it; I feel as if dere vas ploodt on it."

"Bollyooly zent me to buy bebbermints," said his charge stolidly, without stopping. "Mein Gott!" cried the baron. "And now that she-devil-child uses you as a lackey!" "She wanted zem," said his charge stolidly, pursuing his way without turning his head. "Bud bebbermints you do not like!" cried the baron. "Bollyooly wanted bebbermints," said the prince stolidly.