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As the island of Ventotiene connects this group of the pumice islands with the continent of Missene, that of Zanone, on the other side, connects them with the continent at mount Circello. Here is a fact of which our author now gives proper evidence. It would appear that Mount Circello is composed of an alpine limestone.

They are connected with the promontory of Missene on the one hand, as being of the same or similar volcanic origin, and on the other with mount Circello, by a curious circumstance in the island Zanone, which, but a little more of the devouring operation of the sea, would have concealed from our observation.

But in the north end of the island of Zanone, the Chevalier de Dolomieu finds a small part of a similar limestone in vertical strata, closely united with the volcanic materials of the islands now under consideration.

«Cette réunion de deux matières aussi différentes par leur origine que le font celles qui forment l'Isle Zanone, est une circonstance des plus singuliers. La pierre calcaire ne contient point de coquillages; sa densité sa dureté; son odeur fétide annonce une origine ancienne; elle n'est point formée par un dépôt de nouvelle date; elle diffère des pierres calcaires-coquillière qui recouvrent les volcans du Padouan et du Vicentin, et de celles qui se sont mêlés avec les produits du feu dans les volcans éteintes de la Sicile: les laves ici reposent sur elle: elle paroît donc antérieure