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You don't think I've got up early and come from a distance to listen to this cow? Don't talk so much. Do you know whose cow it is, or don't you?" "It's your cow," said the boy. It was my turn to stare. "But I haven't got a cow," I told him. "Yus you have," he persisted; "you've got that cow." She had stopped bellowing for a moment. She was not the cow I felt I could ever take a pride in.

"Wotcher say, guv'nor?" asked the cabman. "I say did you see a gentleman approaching from the corner?" asked Dunbar. "Yus," declared the man; "I see 'im, but 'e 'adn't got as far as the Johnny 'Orner. As I passed outside old Tom Brian, wot's changin' 'is gear, I see a bloke blowin' along on the pavement a bloke in a high 'at, an' wearin' a heye-glass."

Some hearts is that luscious and pasty you can stab 'em and it closes up so yu'd never suspicion the place but Lin McLean! Nor yet don't yus believe his is the kind that breaks if any kind does that. You may sit till the gray hairs, and you may wall up your womanhood, but if a man has got manhood like him, he will never sit till the gray hairs.

'Garn! she said; 'thet was only a trial. 'You never said trial, answered the captain indignantly. 'Yus, I did, said Liza; 'I said it just as the ball was comin' under my breath. 'Well, I am busted! repeated the captain. Just then Liza saw Tom among the lookers-on, and as she felt very kindly disposed to the world in general that morning, she called out to him: ''Ulloa, Tom! she said.

'Yus, 'e's gettin' on fine, an' Jim wanted ter go ter Chingford ter-day, an' 'e says ter me, well, 'e says, "You come along ter Chingford, too; it'll do you good." An' 'e says, "You can leave Polly" she's my eldest, yer know "you can leave Polly," says 'e, "ter look after the kids." So I says, "Well, I don't mind if I do," says I. Meanwhile Liza was looking at her.

He spread himself out to be shaved and to have the severely official style of his coiffure replaced by a less distinctive mode; and as I worked he conversed affably. "'Saw old Polensky a week or two ago. "'Did you indeed? said I. "'Yus. Portland. Got into 'ot water, too, 'e did. That's the way with these bloomin' foreigners. "'He didn't impose on the doctor, then? "'Lor', no!

The lady and Lusk remained in a heap, he foolish, tearful, and affectionate; she turned furiously at bay, his guardian angel, indifferent to the onlooking crowd, and hurling righteous defiance at Lin. "Don't yus dare lay yer finger on my husband, you sage-brush bigamist!" is what the marvelous female said. "Bigamist?" repeated Lin, dazed at this charge. "I ain't," he said to Ogden and me.

Well, I don't like ter repeat wot 'e said, and thet's the truth. An' I says ter 'im, "I wish yer'd never married my daughter, an' if I'd known you was like this I'd 'ave died sooner than let yer." 'Well, I didn't know 'e was like thet! said Liza. ''E was arright at fust, said Sally. 'Yus, they're always arright at fust!

"Yus, I will, too," said Mr. Blank. "But jus' you tell me first 'oo lives at all these 'ere nice 'ouses an' all about 'em. See?" William readily complied, and the strange couple gradually wended their way along the road towards William's house. William stopped at the gate and considered deeply. He was torn between instincts of hospitality and a dim suspicion that his family would not afford to Mr.

Then suddenly he started sharply, grew alert in every sense, and sounded a summons for his messenger boy. When the lad appeared, he asked: "Do you know if Mr. Bullen is on the premises?" "Yus, sur, he is!" "Ask him to step this way, at once, please!" George Bullen, was a keen, up-to-date young journalist, a man of thirty-two only, but with a fine record as regarded his profession.