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Yorke is by this time at Paris; make your court to him, but not so as to disgust, in the least, Lord Albemarle, who may possibly dislike your considering Mr. Yorke as the man of business, and him as only 'pour orner la scene'. Whatever your opinion may be upon THAT POINT, take care not to let it appear; but be well with them both by showing no public preference to either.

"At this time, then," pursued Dunbar, "you had actually passed the other cab, and the gentleman on the pavement had not come up with it?" "'E couldn't see it, guv'nor! I'm tellin' you 'e 'adn't got to the Johnny 'Orner!" "I see," muttered Sowerby. "It's possible that Mr. Exel took no notice of the first cab especially as it did not come out of the Square."

"Wotcher say, guv'nor?" asked the cabman. "I say did you see a gentleman approaching from the corner?" asked Dunbar. "Yus," declared the man; "I see 'im, but 'e 'adn't got as far as the Johnny 'Orner. As I passed outside old Tom Brian, wot's changin' 'is gear, I see a bloke blowin' along on the pavement a bloke in a high 'at, an' wearin' a heye-glass."

Yorke is by this time at Paris; make your court to him, but not so as to disgust, in the least, Lord Albemarle, who may possibly dislike your considering Mr. Yorke as the man of business, and him as only 'pour orner la scene'. Whatever your opinion may be upon THAT POINT, take care not to let it appear; but be well with them both by showing no public preference to either.

Harding the member of Parliament, to his residence in?" "In Peers' Chambers, Westminister that's it, guv'nor! Comin' back, I 'ave to pass along the north side o' the Square, an' just a'ead o' me, I see old Tom Brian a-pullin' round the Johnny 'Orner, 'im comin' from Palace Mansions." "Mr. Exel only mentioned seeing ONE cab," muttered Dunbar, glancing keenly aside at Sowerby.