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Properly speaking Yuan Shih-kai was never an army-officer; he was a military official his highest rank later on being that of military judge, or better, Judicial Commissioner.

They had been made possible by the so-called "Article of Favourable Treatment" drawn-up by Yuan Shih-kai himself, after consultation with the rebellious South.

It is idle to surmise what might have happened if his services had been retained by the Throne all the time, but who could have imagined that so swift and almost incredible an instance of time's revenges was in store that within barely three years Yuan Shih-kai would be the acknowledged head of the State, and Prince Chun and all the Manchus in the dust?

They had hatched a counterplot, and had decided that what they could not do by moral suasion and statesmanship they would do by force, and so they sent an order to Yuan Shih-kai, who as we have said had drilled and was in charge of 12,500 of the best troops in the empire, urging him to "hasten to the capital at once, place the Empress Dowager under guard in the Summer Palace so that she may not be allowed to interfere in the affairs of the government, and protect him in his reform measures."

We passed out of the antechamber and along an open marble corridor, lined with Chinese soldiers in their padded gray cotton uniforms, who stood at salute as the American minister passed. Immediately we found ourselves in another room, also plainly furnished, and the next moment were shaking hands with an unassuming little man clad in a frock-coat, the President, Li Yuan Hung.

'I must, it said, 'get reborn in visible form; until I can go through a new birth I shall remain empty and unsettled, His soul, carried on the wings of the wind, reached Fu-yü T'ai. There it saw a saintly lady named T'ai Yüan, forty years of age, still a virgin, and living alone on Mount Ts'u-o. Air and variegated clouds were the sole nourishment of her vital spirits.

Her plan was to make the whole province a protectorate; Shantung is rich in coal and especially in metals. Japan's plans were revealed in the notorious "Twenty-one Demands" . Against the furious opposition especially of the students of Peking, Yüan Shih-k'ai's government accepted the greater part of these demands.

The meetings of the Li Fa Yuan shall be "open sessions," but they may be held in secret at the request of the President or the decision of the majority of more than half of the members present. Art. 34. The law bills passed by the Li Fa Yuan shall be promulgated by the President and enforced.

Tsao Ju-lin Tsan Cheng Yuan, passes a "king-making" bill Tseng Kuo-fan, Marquis Tsung She Tang, the Tuan Chi-jui, Gen. Tung Fu-hsiang Twenty-Four Demands, Japan's revised China's reply to Twenty-One Demands of Japan Japan forced to revise the psychology of China's reply to Tzu-Hsi, Empress United States, Goodnow's review of Viceroy's, prerogatives of in Chinese government

Meanwhile, at Kamakura, the Bakufu regents, Yasutoki, Tokiyori and Tokimune, earnest disciples of Buddhism, were building temples and assigning them to Chinese priests of the Sung and Yuan eras who reached Japan as official envoys or as frank propagandists.