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"The Golden Ass" of Apuleius. Sir William Hamilton: Lectures on Metaphysics, p. 40. Jacobi: Von der Gottlichen Dingen; Werke, p. 424-426. Translation, 1776, Yol. ii. p. 103.

Our horses were stiff, clumsy pack-beasts; but, by dint of whips and the sharp shovel-stirrups, we forced them into a trot and made them keep it. The road was well travelled, and by asking everybody we met: "Bou yol Moudania yedermi?" The plain in many places is marshy, and traversed by several streams.

The throng of Turks, Jews, and Armenians, who had all this time been volubly discussing the wonderful devil machine, broke apart with shouts of "Yol ver! Yol ver!" The captain looked suspiciously from the two grimy travellers to the spick-and-span Englishmen in golfing costume. He said something in Turkish to his lieutenant. "What does he say?" asked Smith in a whisper.

"If I go get a lot more, and get silk shirts six," he counted with his fingers, "you tell me where your gold mine is." "Yo' bringum heap jam, bringum shirt. Me tellum." His one eye was bright. "Yo' bringum jam. Yo' bringum shirt. Yol giveum me." He patted the bare dirt beside the blankets, signifying that he wanted the jam and shirts there, within reach of his hand.

I will say this for her, she supported me better than the other two did, a lot better. And it's her own fault her nose is flat. If she'd stood still that time But I'm not goin' to discuss family affairs with you, Mr. Yol " "Sh! Easy!" "It's all right. He ain't listenin'." "What is your brother-in-law's name?" in a whisper.

The syllable yol is for yollotl, heart, in its figurative sense of soul or mind. The combination of yolnonotza is not found in any of the dictionaries. The full sense is, "I am thinking by myself, in my heart." ahuiaca, an adverbial form, usually means "pleasant-smelling," though in derivation it is from the verb ahuia, to be satisfied with.