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He produced from the box the photograph of the Yiddish lettering, on the black margin of which there now stood out with startling distinctness a yellowish-white print of a thumb. Thorndyke had just handed the card to the coroner when a very singular disturbance arose.

"Well, didn't you say we must make a holiday to-day?" he whispered back. "Oh, these English Jews!" said Melchitsedek Pinchas, in German. "What have they done to you now?" said Guedalyah, the greengrocer, in Yiddish. The two languages are relatives and often speak as they pass by.

She was born in New York and had graduated at a public grammar-school and English was the only language which she spoke like one born to speak it, and yet her Yiddish greeting was precisely what it would have been had she been born and bred in Antomir Her "Good holiday, dad. Good holiday, Dave!" went straight to my heart

One evening he took to quizzing me on my plans, partly in Yiddish and partly in broken English, which he uttered with a strong Cockney accent, a relic of the several years he had spent in London. "I shall take up some higher things," I rejoined, reluctantly "And what do you call 'higher things'?" he pursued in his quizzical, browbeating way. "Are you going to be a philosopher?"

And they had their slaves with them, ragged, hollow-eyed creatures, newly arrived from Russian Poland, Austria, or Romania, and ready to shout or howl in Yiddish as they were told, men whose strange faces and eyes under their matted shocks of black or reddish hair suggested every here and there the typical history and tragic destiny of the race which, in other parts of the crowd, was seen under its softer and more cosmopolitan aspects.

Even, whose son-in-law was her landlord, and by the amount he had spent on me that she retailed it among her neighbors, some of whom she invited to the house in order to exhibit me to them Her name was Mrs. Dienstog, which is Yiddish for Tuesday.

Although Bloomah's knowledge of Yiddish was slight as became a scion of an old English family she could make out their elemental ejaculations. 'You murderers! 'Give me my Rachel! 'They are destroying our daughters as Pharaoh destroyed our sons. 'Give me back my children, and I'll go back to Russia. 'They are worse than the Russians, the poisoners!

Then, swiftly the sedition had spread about the city until a great night in Cooper Union, when, after speeches of peace and conciliation, one of the girls had risen, demanded and secured the floor, and moved a general strike. Her motion was unanimously carried, and when the chairman cried, in Yiddish: "Do you mean faith?

During the last few years we have had plays in Russian, Japanese, Bavarian patois, Dutch, German, French and Italian, to say nothing of East End performances in Hebrew and Yiddish, which we neglect. Latin drama we hear at Westminster; a Greek company came to the Court but did not act.

I feel as if I had never known you before to-night." "What is it, my daughter?" said Reb Shemuel, stumbling into Yiddish in his anxiety. "What hast thou done?" "I have betrothed myself," she answered, unwittingly adopting his dialect. "I have betrothed myself without telling thee or mother." "To whom?" he asked anxiously.