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"Would you be plased, ma'am, to suit yerself with another cook? Me week will be up next Tuesday, and I want to be going." "Why, Bridget, what's the matter?" "Matter enough, ma'am!

There's one o' them aroun' the corner, an' they say she told Minnie Doyle the name o' the man she was to marry. An' he married her, at that!" Mrs. Cregan looked blank. Mrs. Byrne leaned forward to her. "I never whispered it to a livin' soul but yerself but it was her told Mrs. Gunn that her last was to be a boy. A good month ahead!

When you git lost, and think you're on the right way, ye may be sure that ye're wrong; and after figuring the whole thing over, and getting sartin of the right coorse, all you've got to do is not to take it, and ye're sartin of saving yerself." "Then, according to that, you ought not to take the route which you have said is the right one."

"Tim Reardon, yer little divvle," cried the victim, glaring at the astounded youth with unfeigned rage, "it's yerself I'll be takin the hair off yer little scallerwag an the hide of yer, too. Sure an ye'll be doin some lively dancin' around when I git me two hands on yer. Scoutin' is it ye'll be doin? I'll scout ye and the likes of all er ye. Lemme go, I tell yer, "

"Ah, then, is it yerself, darlint?" were the first words that greeted him. A loud cheer from those without told that they heard and recognised the words. Immediately two of them crept in, and, striking a light, kindled a lamp, which revealed the careworn forms of their lost comrades stretched on the ground in their sleeping-bags.

"You wears buckskins an' flannels an' a frontier hat; you goes about with your shirt-sleeves rolled up an' a scarf 'stead of a stiff starched collar; but you takes care that thar's allus elegant underclothin' nex' yer skin. You've gotten surprisin' clean habits, too: washes yourself three or four times a day, allus shaves yerself mornin's an' oils an' brushes yer hair.

Ef ye're fearful ye can't then ride beyond the lines, an' come inter ours thet-a-way Aunt Deby'll go ter the other flank, an' try ter git a-past Breckinridge's pickets, an' I'll 'tempt ter make my way thru the center. We may all or none o' us git thru. I can't gin ye much advice, ez ye'll hev ter trust mainly ter yerself.

Sit down an' make yerself comfortable an' see what happens." They gathered the six burros into a circle, tied them with their heads together and then squatted back to back upon the ground beside them. Stubbs drew out his pipe, filled, and lighted it. "Keep yer gun within reach," he warned in an undertone to Wilson. "Maybe they don't mean no harm; maybe they does.

I couldn't pick up a needle without going down on my knees after it. It's the pain in my side, Sue. Yes, it's a fine thing to be born a lady. It's not the clothes, Sue. If we was dressed ever so, we couldn't come near them. It's that look, I don't know what. Sus. Speak for yerself, Mattie; I'm not a goin' to think such small beer of myself, I can tell you! I believe if I'd been took in time Mat.

"'There's lashin's av them off the Irish coast, sez the tramp. "'Aah! go shake yerself, sez Counahan. 'Fwhat have I to do wid the Irish coast? "'Then fwhat are ye doin' here? sez the tramp. "'Thirty-five mile west-sou'west o' Cape Clear, sez the tramp, 'if that's any consolation to you. "Counahan fetched wan jump, four feet sivin inches, measured by the cook.