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Costigan asked Frank how he felt, and Merriwell replied that he had never felt better in his life, so it was decided to let him see what he could do in the box the next inning. Yedding, who was in the box for Harvard, could not have been in better condition, and the first three Yale men to face him went out in one-two-three order, making the first inning a whitewash for both sides.

It did not stick, however, and the catcher lost the only opportunity to stop the score. Harvard had scored at last! The Harvard cheer rent the air, and crimson fluttered on all sides. Frank struck out the next man, and then Yale came to bat, resolved to do or die. But they did not do much. Yedding was as good as ever, and the fielders gathered in anything that came their way.

The Yale crowd cheered like Indians when Harvard was shut out for the third time, the freshmen seeming to yell louder than all the others. They originated a cry which was like this: "He is doing very well! Who? Why, Merriwell!" Merriwell was the first man up, and Yedding did his best to get square by striking the freshman out. In this he was successful, much to his satisfaction.

Surely it was a hot game, and excitement was running high. Would Harvard be able to score the next time? That was the question everybody was asking. Yedding came to the bat in this inning, and Merriwell struck him out with ease, while not another man got a safe hit, although one got first on the shortstop's error.

"They haven't been able to score off you yet, and they won't be able to touch you at all after you get into gear." Pierson was relieved, and Costigan looked well satisfied. "Now we must have some scores, boys," said the captain. But Yedding showed that he was out for blood, for he allowed but one safe hit, and again retired Yale without a score.

"Oh, if he were a heavy hitter!" groaned many voices. Yedding was confident much too confident. He laughed in Frank's face. He did not think it necessary to watch the man on first closely, and so that man found an opportunity to steal second. Two strikes and two balls had been called. Then Yedding sent in a swift one to cut the inside corner. Merriwell swung at it. Crack!