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It was fair that he should pay in advance. Evidently Passajon had told him. M. Joyeuse understood and said, beneath his breath: "Thanks, oh! thanks!" so deeply moved that words failed him. Life, it meant life for a few months, time to turn around, to find a situation. His darlings would be deprived of nothing. They would have their New Year's gifts. O Providence!

They appear to have carried off even a larger proportion on Aniwa the future scene of many sorrows but of greater triumphs. THE 1st January 1861 was a New Year's Day ever to be remembered. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston, Abraham, and I, had spent nearly the whole time in a kind of solemn yet happy festival.

As an example of New Orleans journalistic achievement, it may be mentioned that the 'Times-Democrat' of August 26, 1882, contained a report of the year's business of the towns of the Mississippi Valley, from New Orleans all the way to St. Paul two thousand miles.

Old friends who never saw each other between fairs, met on that day, and had a grand review, both in Gaelic and English, of the year's doings, and the alien who did not "have" the former language missed half the benefit of the institution. On the evening before the fair, Gilbert was surprised by a visit from Malcolm Cameron.

Rosalind and I had fancied that it was always summer there, and that sunlight reigned from year's end to year's end; if we had been told that storms sometimes over-shadowed it, and that the icy fang of winter is felt there, we should have doubted the report.

As we go on the down-hill journey, the mile-stones are grave-stones, and on each more and more names are written; unless haply you live beyond man's common age, when friends have dropped off, and, tottering, and feeble, and unpitied, you reach the terminus alone. In this past year's diary is there any precious day noted on which you have made a new friend?

In May, shearing going on, he drove his flock to the shearing-shed, and spent the night at the ranch. In the morning he came into the store laughing. What about? Oh, he had had a little monte over-night, and horse, saddle, rifle, revolver, all were gone. He had been shorn of half a year's growth. But there was still a large deposit at his bank, the bank of Momus.

In the end it proved to be a fatal mistake, wrecking the enterprise. On New Year's day La Salle landed and found only a vast marshy plain. Clearly, this was not the mouth of the Great River. He returned on board, and the vessel stood westward along the coast, every eye on board strained to catch some indication of what they sought, whereas they were all the time sailing further from it.

"However, as you say, it doesn't matter much now to us." "No, nor to me." "Then it's true you're resigning?" "Yes, in a few weeks. I'm just holding on to " "See this crisis through, I suppose?" "Oh dear, no. The crisis, as you call it, Miss Scaife, don't matter to me nor I to it. I'm holding on to complete another year's service and get fifty pound more pension."

"Even if you did go to your own chambers, I shouldn't let our new secretary have this room" they were in what the household called "the office" really Paul's luxuriously furnished private sitting room, which contained his own little treasures of books and pictures and bits of china and glass accumulated during the six years of easeful life "He will have the print room, which nobody uses from one year's end to another, and which is far more convenient for the street door.