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He expected to hear the morning song of the priests, but all was silent. He knocked and the porter, still half-asleep, opened the door. Nebsecht enquired for the chief of the Temple. "He died in the night," said the man yawning. "What do you say?" cried the physician in sudden terror, "who is dead?" "Our good old chief, Rui." Nebsecht breathed again, and asked for Pentaur.

The great disgust at man IT strangled me and had crept into my throat: and what the soothsayer had presaged: "All is alike, nothing is worth while, knowledge strangleth." A long twilight limped on before me, a fatally weary, fatally intoxicated sadness, which spake with yawning mouth.

Send his reader yawning to bed over the unfinishable tale? Or pass over, in a word, some period in which his subject is growing and changing, day by day, for better or for worse, till he emerges from that long, monotonous stretch, a creature startlingly different from that of the last chapter? It is to such an impasse as this that we have arrived with our penniless Ivan.

There will be none until to-morrow," and he prepared to go to sleep again. "Here!" cried Jerry. "We don't want any, tickets! We want to find the way to Mr. Nathan Seabury's house, and to learn if there's a stage which goes there." "There is, señor," replied the agent, yawning, "but I doubt if the driver is here. He seldom comes to meet the train, as there are very few travelers.

"My lady, sir, and a large party of ladies." "There, now!" cried Shafto, yawning and kicking out his legs. "You surely won't go to be bored with such maudlin company?" "I choose to join your mother," replied Pembroke. "Are there any gentlemen, Stephen?" "One sir: Doctor Denton." "Off with you!" roared Shafto; "what do you stand jabbering there for? You won't let me sleep.

It seemed to be moving about slowly in a circle of very limited area. Then, leaving the bush, he saw that the horse was riderless. He watched a long time to see if the owner would appear, and as none came he went back and awakened Obed White. "What! What!" said Obed, opening his eyes slowly and yawning mightily. "Has the day come? Verily, it is a long night that has no ending.

But this thing can not always last I look for the time when we shall set apart the best and noblest men and women of earth for teachers, and their compensation will be so adequate that they will be free to give themselves for the benefit of the race, without apprehension of a yawning almshouse.

The patient recovered under treatment consisting of active leeching, purgation, and blisters applied behind the ear, together with the application of olive oil to the nostrils. Lee reports a remarkable case of yawning followed by sneezing in a girl of fifteen who, just before, had a tooth removed without difficulty. Half an hour afterward yawning began and continued for five weeks continuously.

The worthless son of one of them, who sets out on the long drive to his father's seat in the country, spends an hour in "yawning, picking his teeth and damning his journey" and when once on the way drives with such fury that the route is marked by "yelping dogs, broken-backed pigs and dismembered geese."

From the silence and deep peace of this saintly summer night from the pathetic blending of this sweet moonlight, dawnlight, dreamlight from the manly tenderness of this flattering, whispering, murmuring love suddenly as from the woods and fields suddenly as from the chambers of the air opening in revelation suddenly as from the ground yawning at her feet, leaped upon her, with the flashing of cataracts, Death the crowned phantom, with all the equipage of his terrors, and the tiger roar of his voice.