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From the information they have gained about the Yapoos, which shows them to be ferocious and treacherous, and hostile to white men, Captain Gancy decides upon running out to seaward through the Murray Narrow a resolve in harmony with the advice given him by his Fuegian host and the trusted Seagriff as well.

Tharfer, it'll all depend on which o' the two lots Mister Button belongs to." "If he is not of the Yapoos, what then?" questions the skipper. "Wal, knowin' thet, an' we'll know it afore comin' to the Yapoo country, it bein' beyont t'other, then our best way 'll be to make southart through the Murray Narrer.

The Ailikoleeps are enemies of theirs, but a wide belt of neutral territory between the two prevents frequent encounters. They more often have quarrels with the Yapoos living to the eastward, though these are tribally related to them. But their most dreaded foes are the Oensmen, whose country lies north of the channel, beyond the range of high mountains that borders it.

But agin it, thar's a contrary sarcumstance, in thar bein' two sarts o' Tekeneekas: one harmless and rayther friendly disposed torst white people, t'other bein' jest the revarse 'most as bad as the Ailikoleeps. The bad uns are called Yapoos, an' hev thar squattin' groun' east'ard 'long the channel beyont, whar a passage leads out, knowed as the Murray Narrer.

There are also two other distinct reasons for his doing so. Before proceeding farther, he wishes to obtain more information about the Yapoos, and he needs a fresh supply of provisions that furnished by Eleparu having been neither abundant nor palatable. Orundelico can do better for them, even to providing fresh meat a thing they have not tasted for a long time.

"The Yapoos!" exclaims Orundelico in a voice betokening great alarm. But not so great as when, the instant after, he again cries out: "O Lor'! The Oensmen 'long with them!"