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Feeling in the depth of a capacious pocket he drew out a handful of silver and counted it over carefully. "'Ere y'are!" he said, handing it all over with the exception of one half-crown "Ye'll want all yer change in Lunnon an' more. I'm takin' two bob an' sixpence if ye thinks it too much, say so!"

Now you jest hand him over, and sheer off, you dam young scoundrels! I know ye!" And he became exceedingly opprobrious, and uttered contempt of the name of Feverel. Richard opened his eyes. If you wants to be horsewhipped, you'll stay where y'are!" continued the farmer. "Giles Blaize never stands nonsense!" "Then we'll stay," quoth Richard. "Good! so be't! If you will have't, have't, my men!"

But not Shon nor anyone else could tell aught of him; he had wandered north to outlying goldfields, and then had disappeared completely. But there, as it would seem, his coat and cap hung, and his rifle, dust-covered, kept guard over the fire. Shon went over to the coat, did as Pourcette had done, and said: "Is it gone y'are, Jo, wid your slow tongue and your big heart?

Hextry Speshul Edition! 'Ere y'are, sir; on'y a 'a'penny. For nearly two months, from dawn until dark, Gueldersdorp had squatted on her low-topped hill in a screaming blizzard of shrapnel and Mauser bullets.

'Shure y'are entitled to bread and meat, and a roof over you, as a wife, and as one that got nothin' from your married life of what ought to be got by honest girls like you, or by anny woman, if it comes to that, sez you.

Here Bareback and a half-dozen braves came up suddenly from the ground, and the chief said fiercely: "You speak crooked things. We are no rogues. We will fight." Macavoy's face ran red to his hair. He scratched his head a little foolishly, and gathered himself up. "Sure, 'twas only me tasin', darlins," he said, "but I'll be comin' again, when y'are not so narvis." He turned to go away.

O heart's dearest! Oh, my dear, my dear!" he observed. Master Mervale slipped from his embrace and waded to dry land. "My lord, " he began, demurely. "My lady wife, " said his lordship of Falmouth, with a tremulous smile. He paused, and passed his hand over his brow. "And yet I do not understand," he said. "Y'are dead; y'are buried. It was a frightened boy I struck." He spread out his strong arms.

Mille diaoul, sis I; ye old bitch, I'll tell his arur what y'are after, slipping your rudder like my granny's list shoe, I will." Dodd ran to the helm and looked down; the brat was right: the blows which had so endangered the ship, had broken the rudder, and the sea had washed away more than half of it. The sight and the reflection made him faintish for a moment.

The great muscular fellow dropped at once, seating himself upon the slope and digging his heels into the loose screes to keep from sliding down. "There y'are," he growled. "Now, then," said Aleck, "what do you want to say?" "Only about you coming along here to-day. You warn't trying to spy out nowt, was yer?" "No," cried Aleck; "of course I wasn't.

Who shall forgive you your debauch'd Whoring and Drinking? marry, ye had need so, you are such a Ruffler, at least if y'are every where as you are at home with me No, Sirrah, I'll never bed with you more; here I live sneaking without a Coach, or any thing to appear withal; when even those that were scandalous two Ages ago, can be seen in Hide-Park in their fine Chariots, as if they had purchas'd it with a Maidenhead; whilst I, who keep myself intirely for you, can get nothing but the Fragments of your Debauches I'll be damn'd before I'll endure it.