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"J'ai deja dit ce qu'il faut penser de 'l'election naturelle'. Ou 'l'election naturelle' n'est rien, ou c'est la nature: mais la nature douee 'd'election', mais la nature personnifiee: derniere erreur du dernier siecle: Le xixe fait plus de personnifications." M. Flourens cannot imagine an unconscious selection it is for him a contradiction in terms.

The Belgian historian, Van der Straeten, has illuminated the crowded shelves of his big work, "La Musique aux Pays-Bas avant Le XIXe Siècle," with various little instances of romance that occurred to the numberless minstrels and weavers of tangled counterpoint in the Netherlands of the old time.

"J'ai deja dit ce qu'il faut penser de 'l'election naturelle'. Ou 'l'election naturelle' n'est rien, ou c'est la nature: mais la nature douee 'd'election', mais la nature personnifiee: derniere erreur du dernier siecle: Le xixe fait plus de personnifications." M. Flourens cannot imagine an unconscious selection it is for him a contradiction in terms.

One by one the great names in this department of modern French literature become erased from the lists of the living. Nor is this all. Many of the most brilliant of the novelists of the day have relinquished the pen of the romance-writer for that of the politician. About, for instance, expends in the leading articles of the XIXe.

Ou l'election naturelle n'est rien, ou c'est la nature: mais la nature douee d'election, mais la nature personnifiee: derniere erreur du dernier siecle: Le XIXe ne fait plus de personnifications." M. Flourens cannot imagine an unconscious selection it is for him a contradiction in terms. Did M. Flourens ever visit one of the prettiest watering-places of "la belle France," the Baie d'Arcachon?

It was always so, and this, no doubt, is why popular democracy, from Plato's to our own times, has never been defended by the great thinkers. This fact has greatly struck Emile Faguet. ``Almost all the thinkers of the nineteenth century, he says, ``were not democrats. When I was writing my Politiques et moralistes du XIXe siecle this was my despair.