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The journey of the Wronghead family to London if I recollect the pleasant comedy that details it correctly was effected without the occurrence of any casualty beyond some dyspeptic consequences to the cook from over-eating. Would that our migration to the metropolis had been as fortunately accomplished!

Parson Barnabas, Parson Trulliber, Sir Wilful Witwould, Sir Francis Wronghead, Squire Western, Squire Sullen, such were the people who composed the main strength of the Tory party during the sixty years which followed the Revolution. It is true that the means by which the Tories came into power in 1710 were most disreputable.

Only a niece of mine, Madam, that lives with me; she will be proud to give your Ladyship any assistance in her power. 'Lady Wronghead. A pretty sort of a young woman Jenny, you two must be acquainted. 'Jenny. O Mamma! I am never strange in a strange place. Salutes Myrtilla. The Provoked Husband; or, A Journey to London, act ii. sc. 1, by Vanbrugh and Colley Gibber.

This year, forming as it did exactly a quarter of a century since Handel's death, and a complete century since his birth, was sought, says the Gent. Mag. Dr. Rousseau says that "the more time is beaten, the less it is kept." There were upwards of 500 performers. See ante, iii. 242. Lady Wronghead, whispers Mrs. Motherly, pointing to Myrtilla. 'Mrs. Motherly.

But invisibly my tormenting spirit accompanied me, pursuing me with keenest reproaches. "These then are one's thanks for the pains which one has taken to support Monsieur, who has weak nerves, through the long precious day. And one shall act the fool in the play. Good, Mr. Wronghead, fly you from me if you please, but we are, nevertheless, inseparable.