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Thou alone perhaps on earth knowest the soul of Harold; and if he hath wronged thee, thou seest alike in the wronger and the wronged, but the children of iron Duty, the servants of imperial Heaven. Not thy forgivenness I ask but but Edith, holy maid! angel soul! thy thy blessing!" His voice faltered, and he inclined his lofty head as to a saint.

But Henley's sufferings are the key to Henley; much must be excused him, and there is much to be excused. The result was that while there was always a certain dainty equity about Stevenson's judgments, even when he was wrong, Henley seemed to think that on the right side the wronger you were the better.

He began to perceive that his identity was suspected; perhaps Beaufort, more generous than he had deemed him, meant to repay every early wrong or harshness by one inestimable blessing. The generous interpret motives in extremes ever too enthusiastic or too severe. Vaudemont felt as if he had wronged the wronger; he began to conquer even his dislike to Robert Beaufort.

"Tea will be in in a minute.... Now, I'll tell you for your good, my dear Ellen, that I don't like your Ronder." Miss Stiles laughed. "Oh, you needn't mind me, Betsy. You never have. Why don't you?" "In the first place, he's stupid." Miss Stiles laughed again. "Never wronger in your life. I thought you were smarter than that." Mrs. Combermere smacked her knee. "I may be wrong. I often am.

Now, to my smarting mind, it seemed as if it was he who was the wronger, and I the wronged. "Hullo, old fly-by-night," suddenly exclaimed a voice beside me, as I walked slowly on my way; "what's the joke? Never saw such a fellow for grinning, upon my honour. Why can't you look glum for once in a way, eh, my mouldy lobster?"

"The hour of his death, when he knew he had but a few moments to live, he turned every soul out of the room, and made his brother kneel down and take a solemn oath of vengeance. "'I'll never rest easy in my grave, James, said the dying man, 'and I'll never let you rest easy in your life, until you have avenged me on my wronger. "Your father knelt down and swore.

Budlong stuffed cards into bundles, he loaded bundles into the driver's arms as if they were sticks of wood. The driver stacked them up in his wagon. He made seven trips in all and some of the cards fell out and were stuck in still wronger bundles than before. But both the driver and Mr. Budlong were too sleepy to care. The driver finally mounted his seat and called out from the dark: "Say, Mr.

There is a worse wrong, for which he seeks no revenge: it involves his wife; and there comes in love, and love knows no amends but amendment, seeks only the repentance tenfold more needful to the wronger than the wronged.

Yet such confession is in truth far more needful to the wronger than to the wronged; it is a small thing to be wronged, but a horrible thing to wrong. The letter contained a poverty-stricken expression of sympathy, and an invitation to spend the summer months with them at her old home.

Endicott tried to think of something to add to his little moral homily, but somehow could not. "It's very wrong to fight," he reiterated lamely. The boy's cherub mouth settled into firm lines. "It's wronger not to, when de little kids is gettin' hurt, an' de big fellers what ought ter work is stole away they bread, an' they's hungry." It was an entirely new proposition.