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I let him understand that at the present writin' I'd be willing to take money most any way, and that I didn't have any particular likin' for you. Then it come out. He made me a proposition." Stevens lowered his voice, and stopped to peer again about the bush. "Go on," urged Aldous. "We're alone." Stevens bent so near that his tobacco-laden breath swept his companion's cheek.

We're that leery of you we won't take your word for nothin', since you fooled him on the new boiler an' me on the paint; consequently, we're off you an' this salvage job unless you give us a clearance, in writin', statin' that we are not an' never was pirates, that we're good, law-abiding citizens an' aboard the Maggie as your guests, takin' the trip at our own risk.

I tell you what, wirtue like hern gits its rewards even in this here life. She'll certainly be set up to think she's made a teacher out of you unbeknownst! And mebbe it won't tickle her wonderful to think how she's beat Jake Getz!" he chuckled. "Of course you're writin' to her to-night, Tillie, ain't you?" he asked. "I'd write her off a letter myself if writin' come handier to me."

Markham was shut in her room all the morning. I was busy packing I was getting ready to send in my notice but didn't, thank our stars an' I didn't run onto her but once or twice. She was movin' about the house, and her face was like death. "Just before lunch, I came down to the library, lookin' for a sewin' basket. Mrs. Markham was at the table, writin' a note.

I tells you as shore as my former wife at Laredo's writin' insultin' letters to me right now, this yere Pinon Bill's the party who shoots up that miner gent Burke. "What Texas Thompson says makes an impression; which it's about the first thoughtful remark he ever makes, an' tharfore we're prone to give it more'n usual attention.

200th injianny VolunTer Infantry KiLD may, 15th 1864 He dide For His country The lord luvs a Braiv man "That's all right. Si," said Shorty coming up with his mouthful of hardtack and meat, and inspecting Si's work with critical approval. "You kin lay away over me and all the rest when it comes to writin' and composin'. And you know how to spell, too. I wish I had your education.

In the box the baby was in was two little blankets, an', tied in a bit o' cloth, two rings an' a locket with two picters in it, an' a paper was pinned to the baby's clothes with furrin writin' on it. It said the baby's name was Etelka Peterson, an' 'To God I commend my child, an' signed, 'A despairin' mother. From bits o' the wreck we learned the vessel was from Stockholm, an' named 'Peterson.

For it wuz jest about this time that I happened to find this poetry in a book where she had, I s'posed, left it. And I read 'em, almost entirely unbeknown to myself. It wuz wrote in a dreatful blind way but I recognized it at once. I looked right through it, and see what she wuz a writin' about though many wouldn't, it wuz wrote in sech a deep style. "or

"Am I captain here, or amn't I? Very well, then: I caught that cur to-day writin' a letter never you mind of what sort. 'Twas a sort of which I'd promised that the man I caught writing one should never write a second." "You're mighty tender to women, all of a sudden!" Nat to do him credit answered up pluckily enough for a man addressing the muzzle of a pistol not two feet from his nose.

"Why, as I come in I was a lettle early, knowin' you was here I heard as I s'posed Cap'n Abe in the sittin'-room. I saw this letter, sealed and directed to me, on the dresser there. 'Humph! says I, 'Who's writin' billy-doos to me, I'd admire to know? And I up and opened it and see it's in Cap'n Abe's hand. Just then I heard him behind me " "Heard who? Not Cap'n Abe?" "No, no!