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I promised Allworthy already to give up half my estate od rabbet it! I should hardly stick at giving up the whole." "Will my papa be so kind," says she, "as to hear me speak?" "Why wout ask, Sophy?" cries he, "when dost know I had rather hear thy voice than the musick of the best pack of dogs in England. Hear thee, my dear little girl!

And there to be sure what do they see but the wout half-full of sea-water, and nows and thens a great spout coming in through a hole in the rock; for it was high-water and a wind off the sea, as I tell you. And there was a coffin afloat on the water, and every time the spout come through, it set it knocking agen the side o' the wout, and that was the ghost." "What a horrible idea!"

A Dowie wuggedness of speech I weally can't attain, And though gwammawians may wave in leadewetts and pars, I quite agwee with good JAMES PAYN that all their wow is vain, The angwy wout must do without "the wolling of the r's!"

So I wish your ladyship a good night. Come, madam, you must go along with me by fair means, or I'll have you carried down to the coach." Sophia said she would attend him without force; but begged to go in a chair, for she said she should not be able to ride any other way. "Prithee," cries the squire, "wout unt persuade me canst not ride in a coach, wouldst? That's a pretty thing surely!

We came to anchor here, because the next reach was directly against the wind, and it blew too hard to tack. We all stepped ashore here, and went on foot to an English village called Wout Brigg, where we should find the horses. Smoker's Hoeck is the easterly point of the kill, which runs up to Wout Brigg, and we would have sailed up this creek, but it was ebb tide.