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Next day she would laugh at me for believing her, and ask me what use I supposed there was in talking to her. How she managed to hold on at the theatre, I dont know. She wouldnt learn new parts, and stuck to old ones that she could do in her sleep, she knew them so well. She would go on the stage and get through a long part when she couldnt walk straight from the wing to her dressing-room.

I'd rather risk my neck among fellow humans than in the water." "Maybe you would, but I wouldnt. Straighten out the plane and go on." "Sorry, Mr Weener; I'm going to have to land here." And in spite of my protests he did so.

If the Grass were to be pushed back and the world once more enlarged, if hope and dissatisfaction were again to replace despair and content, you might not find yourself such a big toad in a small puddle and you wouldnt like that, would you?"

"Frank," said the letter, "Lawton is a dead one. Nuthing in it for boys except rattles and guns and pink silk shirts and stick pins. But your dad wouldnt let you have the pins and your mothers wouldn't see you found dead in them shirts, and the pins was sort of advansed, so I want you to spend this money on something you like when you get to whatever it is. "Just a present from your friend "LEE."

She would not really conciliate you by marrying, for you wouldnt associate with her a bit the more because of her marriage certificate. Of course I am putting her self-respect out of the question, that being a matter between herself and her conscience, with which we have no concern.

"No. Floating on the surface of a quiet pool, looking up into your eyes, with no memory for the past, no anticipation of the future." "Delightful! especially for me. I think we had better go and look for Ned." "Were I in his place I would not be absent from your side now or ever." "That is to say, if you were in his place, you wouldnt be in his place among the gum trees.

Well, old pardner, Im sure enough married at last but I had a great time getting Esther to see this my way. Shes one swell little girl and theres only one thing I hate. Before she would marry me I had to swear up and down I wouldnt touch the yellow wolf who got her into trouble. But she didnt say nothing about you so I will just slip you his name.

And I run after him to make him tell me what he d been up to and climbin over the wall I ketched my foot on a stone and the stone come down on my foot and me with it and I didn't know anything till Simon had gone and my foot swoll up so s I couldn't walk and I wouldnt a minded its hurtin Miss Hildy but it s like there wornt no bones in it Pink says I sprante it bad and I started to go over to the Farm on all fours to tell ye but I didn't know anythin g agin and Pink made me come back.

"You know in spite of all the Labour Governments and strange doings in Parliament, there are still pretty strict laws against poaching." "Poaching, guvner? I wouldnt poach. I respect what's yours, just as I respect what's my own. Trespassing maybe.

I wisht that I wore feathers, too, Then I'd stay out doors you bet. "The raindrop fairy is my newest fairy. I'll tell Allee all about it when she gets well enough so's I can go home. They are very wet but it aint their fault. If they wuz dry they wouldnt be water.