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Cheyenne's the closest I can get, myself, and Cheyenne's a dead one blowed up, busted worse'n a galvanized Yank with a pocket full o' Confed wall-paper." He yawned. "Guess I'll take forty winks. Was up all night, and a man can stand jest so much, Injuns or no Injuns." "Did you expect to meet with Indians, sir, along the route?" I asked. "Hell, yes.

"I reckon thar ain't eny Injuns, er nuthin'?" "Hell, no; they're all t'other direction; nuthin' worse'n wolves. Say, though, yer might have trouble with them gurls got a gun?" "No." He reached back into a small drawer under the shelf, and brought out an ugly-looking weapon, tried the hammer movement with his thumb, and handed it over to me with a grin. "Some cannon, an' I want it back.

"Hoh!" said Joel, "you're making it worse'n ever, Phron." "No, I'm not," cried Phronsie, clutching the snarl with both little fists. "Oh, no, I'm not; am I, Polly?" And the big tears began to race over her round cheeks. "No," said Polly. "Oh, for shame, Joel, to make Phronsie cry!" "I didn't make her cry," denied Joel, stoutly, his face working badly. "I'll get the spool I'll get the spool.

But he did it, just the same," he said bitterly. "Now, look here! I don't think there's anything wrong not for a minute. Nothing worse'n dumb, idiotic thumb-hand-sidedness. I specially don't want no one else to get mixed up in this," with a glance at the Stockman. "So you and the Judge needn't feel called upon to act as seconds. But I'm vexed.

A lazy man's worse'n a dead one, 'cause a dead one's put away and can't do no harm while a lazy one's always around, spoilin' the ambitious one's work. "Now, we won't talk business no more. Let's go into the yard. Daphne is there with some of the babies. Let's go out to her." Dr. Eaton hesitated. "I think I had better be going on to the hospital. Drusilla looked up at him quickly. "Dr.

That's a whole lot worse'n Peace. It sounds like war." She glanced out of the window, and with a subdued shout dropped her pen and rushed for her coat and rubbers. The rain had ceased and the sun was shining!

They ain't a oat in that box but what out-classes you they've all growed faster'n you can run! The only thing worse'n you is a ticket on you to win. If I pulls your shoes off 'n' has my choice between you 'n' them I takes the shoes. If I wouldn't be pinched fur it I gives you to the first nut they lets out of the bughouse you sour-bellied-mallet-headed-yellow pup!

Slade's ham-like hand came down upon Farley's stooped shoulder in a thwack that doubled the invalid over and set him to coughing. "Brace up, Dad," the trader-cowman rallied him in his bull voice. "You're not dead yet. Good thing for us your bark's worse'n your bite. Huh, Cochise?" His massive body shook with a roar of laughter at the joke. "This is Mr. Lennon our guest," Carmena again interposed.

You ain't no friend o' his'n and you ain't yur fur no good-you bet! Now you jest 'sling your swag an' bolt back to heaven, or I'm hanged ef I don't have suthin' worse'n horse-stealin' to answer fur, this time." And he took a step forward. At this point I interfered. A Bit of Chivalry.

"Neither did I," interjected Stacy crowding in between Tad and the Ranger. "I want to bag a 'possum." "Better look sharp or the 'possum will bag you," warned Pete Quash. "I guess I'm not afraid of any 'possum that ever climbed a tree. Haven't I killed lions and bob cats and fought Indians, and " "Stop it!" roared Dippy. "I'll be worse'n my name if you keep filling me up with that line of talk."