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"Price's men whooped and yelled worse'n that when they went by yesterday," said the man, jumping up and knocking his heels together like a boy who had just been turned loose from school. "That's Davis's dispatch right there. He went out from Richmond to watch the fight, and got there just in time to see the Yankees running."

"Where's your trunk, Uncle James?" asked Ruth. "I ain't a needin' of no trunk," he answered, "what clothes I've got is on me, and that there valise has more of my things in it. When my clothes wears out, I put on new ones and leave the others for some pore creeter what may need 'em worse'n me." Aunt Jane followed Joe upstairs, issuing caution and direction at every step.

Then Tobey went over to sit down upon the palmetto log behind which Joe Hawkridge still sprawled like a turtle. The anxious boy poked up his head to say: "What cheer, Peter? A plaguey muddle you found it, I'll bet." "Worse'n that, Joe. Rackham wouldn't clinch it with his oath unless I told him your name. I plead with him for safe conduct."

I don't want none of 'em comin' to me now an' a-sayin', 'Don't you 'member yo' own cousin? My white folks he'p me when I needs it. "Dese young folks. Shucks! Chile, dey's worse'n what I was, only dey's more slyer. Dat's all. "I's glad I'se got 'ligion, 'cause when I dies I's gwine to de 'Good Place."

You're young and the republic is young; and the chance is before you to do for the country and help out, for we're havin' bad times now, and they'll be worse. After every war, times is bad, and we're goin' to have other wars and worse'n ever." Then Mr. Miller said: "There's two kinds of men at least two.

"That's hit. Good! The boy's cooking supper. Step up to the kitchen and tell him to cut ham for four more." "Four?" "Two of Ed Banks's men will be here by six o'clock. Heard about the hold-up? They stopped Number Three at Tower W last night and shot Ollie Sollers, as white a boy as ever pulled a throttle. Boys, a man that'll kill a locomotive engineer is worse'n an Indian; I'd help skin him."

I don't hate Marse Desmit, but I does hate slavery dat what made me his worse'n a pilot hates a rattlesnake; an' I hate everyting dat 'minds me on't, I do!" The black Samson had risen in his excitement and now sat down upon the bench by the other. "I don't blame you for dat, Nimbus, but " "I don't want to heah no 'buts' 'bout it, an' I won't." "But the chillen, Nimbus.

"In the name of God, Barry, why do you talk like this after you've saved me from hell?" He stretched out his hand eagerly, but Dan reined Satan back. "Keep your hand. I hate you worse'n hell. There ain't room enough in the world for us both. If you want to thank me do it by keepin' out of my path. Because the next time we meet you're goin' to die, Haines. It's writ in a book.

"I don't wonder." It was the stout woman who answered. The girl had turned away and was looking out the window; her shoulders shook. "I shouldn't think you would be. Hauled in bodily, as you might say, and shut up in a room to fight wasps! And by folks you never saw afore and don't know from Adam! You needn't apologize. I'd forgive you if you said somethin' a good deal worse'n that.

"I ain't never hated a man in my life but what God has let me live long enough to find out I was in the wrong dead wrong. There are Jews and Yankees. I useter hate 'em worse'n sin but now what do you reckon?" "One on 'em busted a plate on yo' head?" asked Bud. "Jesus Christ was a Jew, an' Cap'n Tom jined the Yankees."