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'Tis a new road I'm enterin' whether you come to me or not." All this was wonderful to the girl. Could it be that she was capable of changing the life of a powerful man like this? It filled her with a sense of duty as well as exaltation, an emotion that made a woman of her. She seemed suddenly to have put the hotel and all its worriments far, far behind her.

"Janice, you're almost as good as a boy yourself!" he declared. "I'm not sorry a bit that you came to Poketown." Janice only laughed at him again; yet the boy's awkward earnestness warmed her heart. The girl was finding in these busy days the truest balm for her own worriments. Nothing more was heard of Mr.

"Some one has recognised her in the train last night and then followed her here," he said pitifully. They were in a gey hurry with their cruel work. I hope she knows nothing about it." "No, no, they didn't come till she was clean beyond the worriments of this life. She did not see the fellow who put them in her hands; she heard nothing he said to her."

She has difficulties and worriments, same as you have, but if she can make every trial into a new rung for the ladder on which she is mountin' up to God, there ain't no reason why you should make a gravestone out of yours to bury yourself under; and so I start on with a new courage, an' when we get to the end of the journey, I'll not be the only one who'll have to thank Marthe Everidge for showin' the way."

If," he added more earnestly, "you won't confide in your physician you will perhaps to to a FRIEND." But Mrs. MacGlowrie, evading his earnest eyes as well as his appeal, was wondering what good it would do either a doctor, or a a she herself seemed to hesitate over the word "a FRIEND, to hear the worriments of a silly, nervous old thing who had only stuck a little too closely to her business."

"You won't need them new boots, Milty dear, in the changes that may be comin' to ye; so don't be bothering your poor father in his worriments over his new plans." "What new plans, mommer?" asked the boy abruptly. "Are we goin' away from here?" "Hush, dear, and don't ask questions that's enough for grown folks to worry over, let alone a boy like you. Now be good," a quality in Mrs.

There are undreamed-of possibilities of getting above the worriments of life through an intelligent understanding and application of the physiology of cheer as the chief force in the life of the body, mind, and soul.

"My dear young lady, this has been a most sad and unfortunate affair, but I have come to assure you again of the sentiments of myself and my associates toward you. We come, your self-appointed guardians; we will see that no financial worriments shall come to you.

Flesh and blood suffering goes without a groan of sympathy from the on-lookers, while novel characters wade to the neck in compassion. I’ve pondered on that a whole lot, seem’ a heap of indifference to every-day calamity, and the way I assay it is like this: print folks has terrible fanciful layouts given to their griefs and worriments by the authors of their being.

Every day they hoped to see a change for the better, and sought to bring it about by preparing such dainty dishes as were within their means to catch his capricious appetite, and by keeping all their little perplexities and worriments to themselves, so that he might have unbroken rest when free from business.