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One is tired, anyhow, by the time he has reached this far, and a night camp in the cool rim of this world-to-come is just the panacea for any sort of weariness. Take my advice: Sleep on it, and drop down on the wings of the morning, while the sun is filling up this marvelous ravine with such lights and shadows as are felt, yet scarcely understood.

Solomon was more learned in the Torah, young though he was, peace be unto him. . . . Well, they are now in the world-of-truth, in the world-to-come, both of them. But Dovidl, had he lived, would have excelled them both. That is the way of the Angel of Death, he chooses the very best. As to myself why deny it? I was a dullard. Somehow my soul was not attuned to the Torah.

My eyes filled with tears at the sight of her beautiful face, that seemed so unconscious of the shame waiting for it. I felt I would get up early, and do her task for her secretly. Now I have learnt from my Master the mysteries of the World-To-Come, and I thank the Name that there is a sphere in heaven for princesses who do no wrong.

The would-be assassin fell back, a startled look on his narrow fanatical face. "Let the woman go!" said the driver sternly. In evident consternation the other obeyed. The woman fell forward, half-fainting, and the driver caught her. "Be not afraid," he said. "And you, murderers, down at my feet and thank me that I have saved you your portion in the World-To-Come."

The Admiral talked of Ciguarre and Jerusalem, but also now of the New Jerusalem and the World-to-come. Late in November, at Medina del Campo Santo died the Queen! He told me a dream or a vision that day. There was, he said, a fair, tranquil shore, back of a fair, blue haven, and his wife and his mother, long dead, walked there in talk.

But when people come to my age there's no time to waste. I feel I would not have complete material for happiness in the World-to-come, if there were not a remembrance of my darling in her new home! Stephen was much touched; she said impulsively: 'We shall go to-morrow, Auntie. No! Let us go to-day.