United States or Guernsey ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Something in its shape and workmanship attracted her attention, and she asked its history. The Prince took it down and placed it in her hand. "That sword belonged to a famous person," he said "a Cossack Stenko Razin was his name a robber and a brigand and a great chief.

Some of the work turned out in both these lines is really very artistic and attractive. Large quantities are regularly shipped to various parts of the country. In several shops collections of onyx ornaments are to be seen, besides handsome baskets and mats of colored straw, all of which are of native workmanship. Onyx may be said to be the rage of Puebla.

Sewell, "this sort of experimenting is too bad too much nerve here, too much solitude, too much pine-whispering and sea-dashing are going to the making up of this little piece of workmanship." "Tell me," he said, motioning Moses to sit by him, "how you like the Roman history." "I like it first-rate," said Moses.

Lecoq made no reply, but slowly, and with the stiff movements of a somnambulist, he approached the spot to which he had pointed, stooped, picked up something, and said: "My folly is not deserving of such luck." The object he had found was an earring composed of a single large diamond. The setting was of marvelous workmanship.

'Men, wrote Locke, 'being all the workmanship of one omnipotent and infinitely wise maker, all the servants of one sovereign master, sent into the world by his order and about his business; they are his property whose workmanship they are, made to last during his, not one another's, pleasure: and being furnished with like faculties, sharing all in one community of nature, there cannot be supposed any such subordination among us that may authorise us to destroy another as if we were made for one another's uses as the inferior ranks of creatures are for ours.

And now, looking through the material deep into the heart of the thing, is it a paradox to say that No. 221 is in feeling and quality of workmanship a Dutch picture of the best time? The scene depicted is the honeymoon. The young wife sits by an open window full of sunlight, and the curtains likewise are drenched in the pure white light.

Here are wonderful beaded portieres and the most costly of curious Chinese garments for women. In a word, the bazaars of China are nobly represented on the Escolta. But there is much more besides. The most attractive curios from India, from Ceylon, the Malay Peninsula and of native Filipino workmanship are all to be found here. It is not the place to enter when one has not much money.

Universal practical accomplishments must have formed part of the training of the free Roman citizens. Admirable workmanship was still to be had in each department of manufacture, and every article with which Caesar was provided must have been the best of its kind. The first quarter of the year 58 was consumed in preparations.

I had lived in the United States for many years before I ceased to cling to the notion which I never hesitated to impart cheerfully to Americans when occasion offered that though American workmen turned out goods that served their purpose well enough, for really sound and honest workmanship you had, after all, to come to England.

He opened his treasuries and took out rich garments and cloths, with ten talents in gold and two splendid tripods and a golden cup of matchless workmanship. Then he called to his sons and bade them draw forth his litter and place in it the various articles designed for a ransom to Achilles.