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I must not permit you to be acquainted with the extent of my delusion, lest you despise me; although, believe me, a wish to appear before you, not vanquished, but as a conqueror, inspired me during my wordy war." Perdita looked at him like one amazed; her expressive countenance shone for a moment with tenderness; to see him only was happiness.

Where formerly 'Miracles and Moralities' were the delight of men, and Biblical utterances, put in the mouth of prophets and saints, served to edify the audience, there the wordy warfare and the fisticuffs exchanged between the Mendicant Friar and the Seller of Indulgences or Pardoner, whose profane doings were satirised on the stage, became now the subject of popular enjoyment and laughter.

When Madame de Fleury and her guests swept back into the drawing-room, Monsieur de Fleury and the grand chamberlain were again closely engaged in some political battle. Maurice, after waiting impatiently for a favorable moment when he might come between the wordy belligerents, whispered to Ronald, "I am tortured to death! I shall never get an opportunity to ask the marquis about those jewels.

A messenger was sent for the Grand Prieur, and Jacques Haret consumed the intervening time in a wordy war with Mirepoix and Lafarge, and he got the better of both of them. I scarce thought the messenger had got the length of the prison, when the door opened, and the Grand Prieur appeared.

It's as if a number of impressions had seized the writer's mind, which he jotted down hurriedly, lest they should escape him. But, just because it's so little wordy, it gets the effect of the thing faith, sirs, it's right on to the end of it every time! The writing of some folk is nothing but a froth of words lucky if it glistens without, like a blobber of iridescent foam.

Here, when wordy discussions on all subjects under the sun were not being waged, Billy played at cut-throat Pedro, horrible fives, bridge, and pinochle. Saxon, a favorite of the young women, sewed with them, teaching them pretties and being taught in fair measure in return.

And now there were women, ay, and men, too, though they spake with bated breath, who had uncanny things to say of Angela the captain's only child. And this it was that led to sensation No. 4 a wordy battle of the first magnitude between the next-door neighbor of the saddler sergeant and no less a champion of maiden probity than Norah Shaughnessy the saddler sergeant's buxom daughter.

I have not been satiated with thy words, like a person not satiated with drinking amrita. Deriving support from any allies, behold, I gird up my loins for repressing my foes and obtaining victory." "Kunti continued, 'Pierced by the wordy arrows of his mother, the son roused himself like a steed of proud mettle and achieved all that his mother had pointed out.

In conversation he is more suggestive than any person I have ever known. After two or three hours alone with him, I am sometimes almost startled to look back and see through what a marvellous train of fancy and reflection he has led me. Yet he is never wordy, and often conveys his subtlest meaning by a look. He is an artist, too, of the rarest sort.

It was a week after he cured her headache that a moonlight sail on Lake Merritt was proposed by Norman and seconded by Arthur and Olney. Martin was the only one capable of handling a boat, and he was pressed into service. Ruth sat near him in the stern, while the three young fellows lounged amidships, deep in a wordy wrangle over "frat" affairs.