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Turning quickly round, in the hope of discovering the thief, he was no less surprised than distressed for in spite of his faults, the woollen-draper was a good-natured fellow to perceive Jack Sheppard in custody. The truth at once flashed across his mind. This, then, was the cause of the widow's wild inexplicable look, of her sudden shriek!

Ford's was the principal woollen-draper, linen-draper, and haberdasher's shop united; the shop first in size and fashion in the place. "And so, there she had set, without an idea of any thing in the world, full ten minutes, perhaps when, all of a sudden, who should come in to be sure it was so very odd! but they always dealt at Ford's who should come in, but Elizabeth Martin and her brother!

Maggot, kissing her hand to him. "I'll find you out. And now," she added, glancing contemptuously at the woollen-draper, "I'll go to Jack Sheppard." "You shall first go to Bridewell, you jade!" rejoined Kneebone. "Here, Tom," he added, calling to a shop-boy, "run and fetch a constable."

"And were I in yours," rejoined the woollen-draper, "I should be doubly apprehensive, because he's a professed friend. But we're neglecting the punch all this time. A bumper round, gentlemen. Success to our enterprise!" "Success to our enterprise!" echoed the others, significantly.

Much to her annoyance, therefore, Winifred was left alone with the woollen-draper, who following up a maxim of his own, "that nothing was gained by too much bashfulness," determined to profit by the opportunity. He had only been prevented, indeed, by a fear of Mrs. Wood from pressing his suit long ago. This obstacle removed, he thought he might now make the attempt.

The stranger looked at him as if strongly disposed to chastise his impertinence. "Is she married?" he asked, after a brief pause. "Married! no no," replied the woollen-draper. "Winifred Wood will never marry, unless the grave can give up its dead.

"You will make me the happiest of mankind," cried the woollen-draper, falling on his knees, and seizing her hand, which he devoured with kisses. "Let me go," cried Winifred. "I disbelieve the whole story you have told me." "By Heaven!" cried Kneebone, with increasing fervour, "it is true as true as my affection for you."

"I declare I don't know what to do," said Wood, burned by conflicting emotions. "Mr. Kneebone! you would greatly oblige me by surrendering yourself." "Never!" replied the woollen-draper; "and if that treacherous rascal, by your side, doesn't make himself scarce quickly, I'll send a bullet through his brain." "My death will lie at your door," remarked Jackson to the carpenter.

He has a head as fit for business as if he had been the son of a woollen-draper. Mazarin took pains to keep him ignorant of everything that a king ought to know; but that shrewd judgment of his taught him that he must know as much as his servants, unless he wanted them to be his masters. He has the pride of Lucifer, with a strength of will and power of application as great as Richelieu's.

The woollen-draper looked at his watch. It was eleven o'clock. Another long interval elapsed. The watch was again consulted. It was now a quarter past twelve. Mr. Kneebone, who began to feel sleepy, wound it up, and snuffed the candles. "I suspect our friend has thought better of it, and won't come," he remarked. "Have a little patience, Sir," rejoined the jailer.