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Well, so long." "Good-bye, boy!" "All right, I'm going. Be good!" "Woof-woof-woof!" barked Bill the parrot, not committing himself to any promises. For some moments after Nelly had gone he remained hunched on his perch, contemplating the infinite. Then he sauntered along to the seed-box and took some more light nourishment. He always liked to spread his meals out, to make them last longer.

Whatever was to be done must be done by herself. She seized the stick and wrenched it out of Henry's hand. "Woof-woof-woof!" said Bill the parrot. No dispassionate auditor could have failed to detect the nasty ring of sarcasm. It stung Henry.

This was always good for an hour or so, and it was three o'clock before he had come to his customary decision that he didn't know. Then, exhausted by brain-work and feeling a trifle hipped by the silence of the room, he looked about him for some way of jazzing existence up a little. It occurred to him that if he barked again it might help. "Woof-woof-woof!"

The dog started back with a howl of agony. He was learning something new every minute. "Woof-woof-woof!" said Bill sardonically. He perceived trousered legs, four of them, and, cocking his eye upwards, saw that two men of the lower orders stood before him. They were gazing down at him in the stolid manner peculiar to the proletariat of London in the presence of the unusual.

Whether it was mere indolence or whether the advertised docility of that other parrot belonging to Henry's brother's wife's sister had caused him to realize that there was a certain standard of good conduct for his species one cannot say: but for awhile Bill merely contemplated temptation with a detached eye. "See!" said Henry. "Woof-woof-woof!" said Bill.