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Another might have wooed her as he had wooed Alice Boswell; to another she might have been the first, the only one! she knew now why she was no helpmeet, no friend for him; why his hand did not raise her to his eminence, his soul's breath did not blow upon hers, and create vigour, goodness, and grace to match his own.

I never knew, and she said she never knew. Her father brought her home much as he had brought the parrot home, but I could never think other than that she was the child of some Spanish woman he had wooed, and, it is to be hoped, wedded, though I doubt if he were of that temper, on his travels in the South Americas.

That under-self which was the work and the heritage of her father in her, and which, beneath all the wilfulnesses and defiances of the other self, held its own moral debates in its own way, well out of Catherine's sight generally, began to emerge, wooed into the light by his friendly gentleness. 'But it is all so difficult, you see, she said despairingly.

This story offers a delightful blend of homely realism with poetic symbolism. The miser is wooed from his sordid love of gold by the golden glint of a little girl's hair: as love creeps into his starved heart, heartless greed goes out forever: before a soulless machine, he becomes a man.

So; therefore, the barrier between him and his thoughts of her was broken. The thoughts carrying red doses were selected. Finally, the taste to meet her sprouted. If agreeable, she could be wooed; if barely agreeable, tormented; if disagreeable, left as before. Although it was the hazard of a die, he decided to follow his taste.

Many women in her state, influenced by contagious example, wearied by a life in which the heart had no share; without children, without a guide; assailed and wooed on all sides, in all shapes; many women might have ventured, if not into love, at least into coquetry. But Constance remained as bright and cold as ever "the unsunned snow!"

They sit so much at windows, that pretty soon their eyes become windows themselves out of which the soul looks darkling, but preening; out of which it sometimes launches itself into the deep, wooed thereto or not by aubade or serena.

Why, you might as well forbid a rose to blossom by word of mouth, as try to thwart nature in a beautiful healthy woman." "It seems to me that to bring up a woman as I was brought up only prepares her to take the distemper the quicker." "I do not remember that of you. But I do know that no woman was ever wooed as hotly as you were or ever I swear it more ardently desired.

He cooed and wooed and flattered and fascinated; and by the time they reached the farm had driven Uxmoor out of her head. Miss Gale was out. The farmer's wife said she had gone into the town meaning Hillstoke which was, strictly speaking, a hamlet or tributary village. Hillstoke church was only twelve years old, and the tithes of the place went to the parson of Islip.

The ceremony had just been performed, and Ernest Maltravers had bestowed upon George Legard the hand of Evelyn Templeton. If upon the countenance of him who thus officiated as a father to her he had once wooed as a bride an observant eye might have noted the trace of mental struggles, it was the trace of struggles past; and the calm had once more settled over the silent deeps.