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Each of them in the bloom of youth, each of them at once formed to please, and to be pleased by that fair Armida which we call the World, there was, necessarily, a certain congeniality in their views and sentiments, their occupations and their objects; nor was there, in all that brilliant city, one more calculated to captivate the eye and fancy than George Legard.

On the purchase-money the happy pair lived for some years in great comfort, when Mr. Legard died of a brain fever; and his disconsolate widow found herself alone in the world with a beautiful little curly-headed boy, and an annuity of one thousand a year, for which her settlement had been exchanged. All the rest of the fortune was gone, a discovery not made till Mr. Legard's death.

On the one hand he was a little afraid of being alone with so clever a man; on the other hand, it was an honour, it was something for him to talk of to Legard. Nevertheless, the shyness got the better of the vanity. He excused himself; he feared he was engaged to take down Legard.

In the first heat of this determination, he turned towards some young men standing near him, one of whom was about to visit Vienna. She was leaning on Lady Doltimore's arm, and the admiring murmur of his companions caused Legard to turn suddenly round. "You are not dancing to-night, Colonel Legard," said Caroline, glancing towards Evelyn.

From this night, whatever happens, I shall hold it an honour to be admitted to your friendship; from this night, George Legard never shall find in me the offences of arrogance and harshness." Legard wrung the hand held out to him warmly, but made no answer; his heart was full, and he would not trust himself to speak.

"Sir," said Legard, recovering from his surprise, and beginning to feel resentment, "I do not understand this intrusion in my apartments. You have saved me, it is true, from death, but life is a worse curse." "Young man, no! moments in life are agony, but life itself is a blessing. Life is a mystery that defies all calculation.

In her open, undisguised, youthful delight at seeing him again, Maltravers felt, indeed, "as if Paradise were opened in her face." In his own agitated emotions, he scarcely noticed that Legard had risen and resigned his seat to him; he availed himself of the civility, greeted his old acquaintance with a smile and a bow, and in a few minutes he was in deep converse with Evelyn.

"The more the season for balls advances, the more indolent you become." Legard muttered a confused reply, one half of which seemed petulant, while the other half was inaudible. "Not so indolent as you suppose," said his friend. "Legard meditates an excursion sufficient, I hope, to redeem his character in your eyes. It is a long journey, and, what is worse, a very cold journey, to Vienna."

Measure for Measure. Abbess. Haply in private Adriana. And in assemblies too. Comedy of Errors. IT was true, as Maltravers had stated, that Legard had of late been little at Lady Doltimore's, or in the same society as Evelyn. With the vehemence of an ardent and passionate nature, he yielded to the jealous rage and grief that devoured him.

But still, to a certain degree diffident and fearful, Legard never yet spoke of love; nor did their intimacy at this time ripen to that point in which Evelyn could have asked herself if there were danger in the society of Legard, or serious meaning in his obvious admiration.