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Here comes the mother in me pumping up. Adieu. Lebe wohl. The German! the German! may God in his Barmherzigkeit! Tell her I never encouraged the girl, have literally nothing to trace a temporary wrinkle on my forehead as regards conscience. I say, may it please Providence to make you a good German scholar by the day of your majority. Hurrah for it!

So the little britzska was put behind horses again, and our two friends set out on their tour, having quite a crowd of brother-artists to cheer them, who had assembled and had a breakfast for the purpose at that comfortable osteria near the Lateran Gate. How the fellows flung their hats up, and shouted, "Lebe wohl," and "Adieu," and "God bless you, old boy," in many languages!

Adolf Strodtmann said it first , in the following words: "Es leidet wohl keinen Zweifel, dass Heine dies Loeben'sche Ballade gekannt und bei Abfassung seiner Lorelei-Ballade benutzt hat." But he produces no proof except similarity of form and content.

I added, 'It's only me the fortune-teller. Then I slipped to the poor devil's side, and without a word I drove my dirk into his heart! YA WOHL, laughed I, it WAS the tragedy part of his fortune, indeed! As he fell from his horse, he clutched at me, and my blue goggles remained in his hand; and away plunged the beast dragging him, with his foot in the stirrup.

Tarrano snatched up a mouthpiece murmured slowly into it. I could see the leader of the hairless men nod after a time, as the message reached him. And I saw him turn away to issue swift orders as Tarrano had commanded. Tarrano said brusquely: "Enough!... Wohl!" The mirror went dark. A voice called: "Master, the green bomb has gone up from the Hill City! Do you wish to see?" "No.... Give me Venus.

There were plaster busts of Aristotle, Archimedes, and Comte, while a great drowsy owl was blinking away, perched on the benign brow of Martin Farquhar Tupper. "He always roosts there when he proposes to slumber," explained my tutor. "You are a bird of no ordinary mind. Schlafen Sie wohl." Through a closet door, half open, I could see a human-like form covered with a sheet.

We swore to live by the standards of the great Jahn, of whom you spoke. We swore to strive for the freedom of Germany with manly courage. And when we were not duelling with the nobles, we had Schlager-bouts among ourselves." "Broadswords?" exclaimed Stephen, in amazement. "Ja wohl," answered Korner, puffing heavily. The slit in his nose was plain even in the moonlight.

Again the breath of the sea is brought in when the Dutchman a second time warns her, and the sea music roars as a sinister accompaniment. Senta only becomes the more exalted. "Wohl kenn' ich Weibes heil'ge Pflichten," she sings to music which is absolutely the finest page in the opera. The pure white flame of a deathless devotion is here.

He waved his hand: "Good-night!" "Good-night," said the Kapellmeister, hurrying on. "Ritter hey! Stop a moment! What has come over the Neumann?" "Nothing, Jacobs nothing! She is dead." Mime straightened his back that was stiff from much crouching: "Ausgeworfen?" "Ja wohl." "Then who is the lark?" "An improvement you think eh?" The singer laughed: "The way Perron jumped! Did you see him?

Then suddenly, he elevated the battle gallantly in the air, a strange, grotesque figure leaning towards Gudrun, and said: 'Gnadiges Fraulein, he said, 'wohl There was a crack, the bottle was flying, Loerke had started back, the three stood quivering in violent emotion. Loerke turned to Gerald, a devilish leer on his bright-skinned face. 'Well done! he said, in a satirical demoniac frenzy.