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The libretto by Julian Sturgis is a clever adaptation of Shakespeare's comedy, in which the action is judiciously compressed into four scenes without any incidents of importance being omitted. First we have the ball at Leonato's house, with some love-making for Claudio and Hero, and a wit-combat between Beatrice and Benedick.

Which is the likelier, that Shakespeare intended the dialogue about Gonzalo's ideal commonwealth to be a satire upon it, or favorable to Utopian schemes? Which comes out the better at last in the wit-combat, the quick Antonio and Sebastian, or the thoughtful Gonzalo? Is Sebastian's solicitude about Claribel a sign of a kindlier nature than Antonio's?

I was gazing at the eldest the superb beauty with the disdainful eyes, who had held that wit-combat with her circle of admirers when Stuart finished his dispatches, and turned around. "Any reports?" he said briefly to a member of his staff. "None, general except that Colonel Mohun is reported killed." "Mohun! It is impossible! He drove the enemy, and was unhurt.

What a wit-combat it would be! How he would marshal his dialectic epigrams! If only Lapidoth could be there to hear! As the servant threw open the door for him, revealing a suite of beautiful rooms and a fine company of gentlefolks, men with powdered wigs and ladies with elegant toilettes, Maimon started back with a painful shock.