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The war was enveloping them all. Mary had gone to New York to work on the Belgian War Relief Fund, and she had been working away at it ever since. There was then no valid reason no reason at all unless she were willing to go rummaging in that dark room of her mind for it why John should always wince like that when one reminded him of Mary.

I came back to this country just after you sailed from Europe, and even before I ever saw the woman who became your wife, or your sister, I had formed my plan it succeeded. I met that bunch of flimsy falsehood I made her love me made her mad for me you wince I'm glad of it. But mind me, I would not have married her after all, but that I thought she had inherited half her old uncle's property.

She could not have borne their pity, and their whispered remarks to one another upon her strange situation; though she would almost have faced a knowledge of her circumstances by every individual there, so long as her story had remained isolated in the mind of each. It was the interchange of ideas about her that made her sensitiveness wince.

"And what shall we serve them?" urged Prudence. "I suppose it would hardly do to pop corn, would it?" "No, indeed. Popping corn is very nice for the twins and the little boys in the neighborhood." Fairy smiled with relish as she saw the twins wince at this thrust. "But Babbie and I Oh, never! It wouldn't do at all. Now, oyster stew and crackers, I mean wafers, "

I really felt that I was justified in giving my irritability an airing by curious allusions to Janet; yet, though I made him wince, it was impossible to touch his conscience.

"Oh, I keep it all in," Bessie returned, laughing. "But I dare say I feel cross all the same. I don't think any of us can guess what it must be to wake depressed and languid every morning. A louder voice than usual does not make our heads ache, yet I have seen Hatty wince with pain when Tom indulged in one of his laughs." "Yes, I know," replied Christine, only half convinced by this.

The public rejoicings at Florence, Parma, Modena, and Bologna, and the ardent expression of the populace at such centres for union with Sardinia, made the Emperor wince, and showed him that it was impossible, even with French bayonets, to crush the aspirations of a nation.

But he had worked too hard for his money not to wince as a plain man at what he endured and even courted as a seeker after position for the house of Ganser. He had hoped to be free to vent his ill-humor at home. He was therefore irritated by the discovery that an outsider was there to check him.

But she remained beside him, and after a moment laid her hand lightly upon his shoulder, without words. He reached up instantly, caught and held it in a grip that almost made her wince. "Stella," he said, "it's been a very short honeymoon, but I'm afraid it's over. I've got to get back at once." "I am coming with you," she said quickly.

Let those wince who feel a sense of their own backslidings. When the Bishop had ended, I determined to walk once through the bazaar just to make sure that there were no lotteries nor games of chance a desecration of our MITES now too, too frequent. As I was returning through the throng, alas! of PLEASURE-SEEKERS, and wishing that I might scourge them out of the schoolroom, Mr.