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Allen, Making the Most of Our Children. 2 vols. McClurg, $1.00 each. Wilm, The Culture of Religion, chap. ii. Pilgrim Press, $0.75 III. Topics for Discussion Which do you remember best, your teachers or your lessons? Why? Describe, from your memory, some of the influences of personality? Are these influences greater or less with parents on children?

C.W. Votaw, Progress of Moral and Religious Education in the American Home. Religious Education Association, $0.25. George Hodges, Training of Children, chaps. i, ii, xv. Appleton, $1.50. G.A. Coe, Education in Religion and Morals, chaps. i, iv, xvi. Revell, $1.35. E.C. Wilm, Culture of Religion, chaps. i, ii. Pilgrim Press, $0.75. C.W. Rischell, The Child as God's Child.

But there were no evidences forthcoming to show that Sir Oswald had met with such a fate, and his son began to suspect that his father had fallen into the hands of Baron Wilm, for he knew of the bitter hatred which he bore toward the knight of Fürstenberg and of his cunning and malice.

Nothing more could Edwin glean, save that a few days hence Baron Wilm was to give a grand banquet, when many nobles and knights were to be present. The young man, his suspicions thus fully confirmed, felt that his next move must be to gain entrance to the castle, and he decided to take advantage of the excitement and bustle attendant on the banquet to achieve this end.

Soon the greater part of the company were tipsy, and Edwin moved among them, noting their conversation, coming at length to the seat of the host. “It is saidremarked a knight, “that you have captured Sir Oswald of FürstenbergWilm, to whom the remark was addressed, smiled knowingly and did not deny the charge. “I have even heardpursued his companion, “that you have had his eyes put out

He had one son, Edwin, a handsome young man who bade fair to equal his father in skill and renown. Sir Oswald had a sworn foe in a neighbouring baron, Wilm von Sooneck, a rich, unscrupulous nobleman who sought by every possible means to get the knight into his power.