United States or Haiti ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

He did not even wonder why his emotions were so wholeheartedly enlisted upon the side of the furred people. Nor did he try to analyze his feelings. He was only sure that more than ever he wanted to be free of the aliens and out of this whole venture.

"It has to be done just right," she explained to that gentleman after an elaboration of her idea. Belle knew instinctively that all their fate in Deadwood would turn on the colour of their coming. Uncle Collins entered wholeheartedly into the plan and that week, much to Jim's amazement, the local press came out with a column article: DISTINGUISHED ARRIVALS IN DEADWOOD

No doubt even to-day there are many eminent Hindus who would still rely upon the older methods, and who have sufficiently assimilated the education they have received at the hands of Englishmen to share wholeheartedly the faith and pride of the latter in British ideals of liberty and self-government, and to be honestly convinced that those ideals might be more fully realized in the government of their own country if British administrators would only repose greater confidence in the natives of India and give them a larger share in the conduct of public affairs.

"It is just possible, my dear Tony, if you will forgive my suggesting it, that you have not been playing the part of devoted lover wholeheartedly enough." "Perhaps so," said Tony, rather ruefully. "Er the difficulty is that when I try to talk and make love like the chaps do in novels and plays, Myra laughs at me and tells me not to be sloppy.

Charlotta the Fourth admired Anne wholeheartedly. It was not that she thought her so very handsome. Diana Barry's beauty of crimson cheek and black curls was much more to Charlotta the Fourth's taste than Anne's moonshine charm of luminous gray eyes and the pale, everchanging roses of her cheeks. "But I'd rather look like you than be pretty," she told Anne sincerely.

"It's only that perhaps when the autumn comes I may go to India with Nick." "Oh! Really! My dear, how thrilling!" The words came with a rush that sounded as if the speaker were wholeheartedly relieved. The smile flashed back into Violet's face. She lay back in her chair with the indolent grace that usually characterized her movements. "Really!" she said again. "Tell me all about it."

This concept gained almost immediate popular support, so far as it filtered down to the masses at all; prominent schoolmen endorsed it wholeheartedly; statesmen gave it qualified approval "in principle" and the Pope issued an encyclical calling for a return of Christian resignation and submission.

"Come on over to the room, you fellows." Canterbury, having cheered the victor wholeheartedly, romped home. Miter Hill School followed Canterbury the next Saturday and was an unexpectedly weak opponent. The contest was slow and lifeless and dragged its weary length along until almost twilight.

Take a couple weeks off and make a trip in back somewheres." Bob shook his head. "It isn't that; I'm sorry. I'm just through with this. I couldn't keep on at it and do good work. I know that." "It's a vacation you need," insisted Welton chuckling, " or else you're in love. Isn't that, is it?" "No," Bob laughed quite wholeheartedly. "It isn't that." "You haven't got a better job, have you?"