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The cannon thundered in every street and mingled their sounds with the cries of rage from the sectionnaires the howlings of the women, the whiz of the howitzers, the loud clangs of the bells, which incessantly called the people to arms.

Whiz came an old bill; then, one after another, a regular fusilade of various utensils. It did not take us long to get past, but for as long as we could see the attack was kept up. Coming back we saw nothing of Bootha, and all the utensils had been picked up. I used to tell the other blacks to see that Bootha had plenty of food. They said she was all right, the spirits were looking after her.

"Which, as the Texan said when he was accused of stealing a horse," put in Tommy, "remains to be proved. Just you keep your eye on the gun and wait." "There goes another string of signals on the 'New York," exclaimed "Dye," pointing toward the flagship. "Whiz! I'd hate to be a signalman aboard of her. They are always at it."

Blakely rose to his feet and wearily leaned upon the breastworks, peering cautiously over. Yesterday the sight of a scouting hat would have brought instant whiz of arrow, but not a missile saluted him now.

To which the younger man replied, serenely and happily, "It's fixed." "What's fixed?" "The race. It' s all arranged framed." "Who framed it? How? When?" "Sh-h! I did. Yesterday; by stealth; I fixed it." "You win from 'Whiz' Long, and you can't run under fifteen?" Wally nodded. "I told him that it's all right." "You told him?" Glass staggered. "It's all right? Say!

"I pay," said Theydon, his eyes glistening. "And such a girl! Her portrait on the paper wrap of a 50-cent novel would sell it in millions!" "Gee whiz! Is it like that? Go right ahead, Augustus! Never mind me. Take this old bus all the way to Paris. I'll find the fares and hold your hat. But kindly shift that gun into your opposite pocket. You've dug it into my thigh quite often enough.

"It it depends on what you call rides; see?" he said. "And on what you call hungry," added Mr. Bartlett. "If if you kind of want to do a good turn, I haven't got any right to stop you, have I?" Pee-wee said. "Because good turns are the main things. Gee whiz, I haven't got any right to interfere with those.

"Guess now they had 'em aboard to pull the wool over the eyes o' any customs men that happened to board the sloop lookin' for contraband stuff meant to claim they was fetchin' mahogany logs to a States market. Gee whiz! they sure are a tough proposition to move around but here's the cutest little fort any playboy could wish for.

Hark! again, again near and nearer the tramp of steeds, the clash of steel, the whiz and hiss of arrows, the shout of "Hastings to the onslaught!" Fresh, and panting for glory and for blood, came on King Edward's large reserve; from all the scattered parts of the field spurred the Yorkist knights, where the uproar, so much mightier than before, told them that the crisis of the war was come.

But so vigilant and watchful, when the captains saw them, were they, that though sometimes their shot would go by their ears with a whiz, yet they did them no harm. By these two guns the townsfolk made no question but greatly to annoy the camp of Shaddai, and well enough to secure the gate; but they had not much cause to boast of what execution they did, as by what follows will be gathered.