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But my fancy pictured this last sight of them, Dr. Frank, Venza, Shac and Dud Ardley. They were gone. There were left only Snap, Anita and myself. I was mechanically ringing us away. I heard my sirens sounding down below, with the answering clangs here in the turret.

She was again upon the point of exploding with laughter, as the church bell added a few, final and more emphatic clangs to its warning. She turned with a start, motioning a vain warning out of the window for the bell to be silent, but the little sleeper was already stirring uneasily on her pillow. One soft arm was thrown languidly over her head.

Then there are the unceasing and ever varying sounds of falling waters, grand in their totality, grand and melodious in their separate cadences the deep bass of the Rajah, sometimes like cannon thundering in the distance, and sometimes like the regular tolling of some vast Titanic bell; sounds of most varied and brilliant music from the Rocket; the jagged note of the Roarer, as its waters rush down their steep, stony trough; the eerie and mysterious sounds which, sometimes like a mingling of startling shrieks and clangs, and sometimes, to the active imagination, like the far-off lamentations of imprisoned spirits, occasionally rise from the semi-cavernous chasm which has been hollowed out behind the great pool beneath the cliff; the gentle murmuring note of the White Lady Fall, tangled threads of sound from which fall in fitful cadences on the ear as the wind rises and falls athwart the falls; and lastly, but by no means leastly, the undulating and endless varieties of sounds which, having broken away from their original source, are ever wandering and echoing around the rock-bound gorge.

Cars shriek down the street; the Elevated train clangs and curves perilously overhead; newsboys wail the baseball news; wits cry their obscure challenges to one another, 'I should worry! or 'She's some Daisy! or 'Good-night, Nurse! In houses off the streets around children are being born, lovers are kissing, people are dying.

For my part, I believe that the Big Doctor viewed with a justified composure " ... that last Wild pageant of the accumulated past That clangs and flashes for a drowning man." In that same wind-wild dawn, Larry awoke, and tried to believe that he was a bridegroom, and was going to espouse Tishy Mangan in the course of the next few hours. "C'est toujours l'imprévu qui arrive!" he told himself.

An imagination prone to the picturesque insists at this stage upon a vision of the latter days of one of the less happily situated lines. Along a weedy embankment there pants and clangs a patched and tarnished engine, its paint blistered, its parts leprously dull. It is driven by an aged and sweated driver, and the burning garbage of its furnace distils a choking reek into the air.

The morning clangour he must know to be a tragedy of foulest import. It is undeniably rung with a keener relish. There will be some effort at rhythm with the other bells, but that morning bell jangles in a broken frenzy of clangs, ruthlessly prolonged, devilish to the last insulting stroke. Surely one without malice could manage this waking bell more tactfully.

Then sounds the trumpet clearly, then clangs the loud tambour, Make room, make room for Gazul throw wide, throw wide the door; Blow, blow the trumpet clearer still, more loudly strike the drum, The Alcaydé of Algava to fight the bull doth come.

On our way back up Broadway it occurred to us to revisit what we have long considered one of the most impressive temples in our acquaintance, the lobby of the Telephone and Telegraph Building, on Dey Street. Occasionally there is an airy flutter, a bell clangs, bronze doors slide apart, and an elevator appears, in charge of a chastely uniformed priestess.

Every kind of imp imaginable could be found in the number that constituted the many committees. I witnessed every part of the diabolical proceedings, and will here disclose a portion of these doubly sealed secrets. After all preliminaries were brushed away, I heard seven ominous clangs, and silence reigned supreme. The chairman rose to speak. What a mingling of light and darkness!