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The merry month of May became really a season of enjoyment, and was kept as a kind of floral festival in every village throughout the land. May-games, Whitsun-ales, Morrice-dances, were renewed as in bygone times; and all robust and healthful sports, as leaping, vaulting, and archery, were not only permitted on Sundays by the authorities, but enjoined.

Church-ales were usually held at or near Whitsuntide, hence they were also called Whitsun-ales or May-ales in the accounts.

"He will bring the devil among us, I trow," cried Dick Taverner. "'Tis to be hoped he will not split the May-pole with a thunderbolt," said the miller. "Nor spoil our Whitsun-ales," cried old Greenford. "Nor lame our Hobby-horse," said one of the mummers. "Nor rob me of my wreath and garlands," said Gillian. "That he shall not, I promise you, fair May Queen!" Dick Tavernor rejoined, gallantly.

"Why doth he not betake himself to the conventicle and preach there?" old Greenford cried. "Why should we have all these bitter texts of scripture thrown at our heads? Why should we be likened to the drunkards of Ephraim because we drink our Whitsun-ales? I have tasted nothing more than my morning cup as yet." "Why should our May-pole be termed an idol? Answer me that, good grandsire?"

Meanwhile, this expression of the royal opinion removed every restriction, and old sports and pastimes, May-games, Whitsun-ales, and morris-dances, with rush-bearings, bell-ringings, wakes, and feasts, were as much practised as before the passing of the obnoxious enactment of Elizabeth.