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An' whut dem six ghostes do but stand round an' confabulate? Yas, sah, dass so. An' whin dey do so, one say': "'Pears like dis a mighty likely li'l' black boy. Whut we gwine do fo' to reward him fo' politeness?" An' annuder say': "Tell him whut de truth is 'bout ghostes." So de bigges' ghost he say': "Ah gwine tell yo' somefin' important whut yever'body don't know: Dey ain't no ghosts."

Whin th' Fenians come back fr'm Canada in a boat an' landed in th' city iv Buf-falo, New York, they was all run in; an' sare a lawyer cud they get to defind thim till this here Cleveland come up, an' says he: 'I'll take th' job, he says.

When he got to Dublin, he wint sthrait to the palace, and whin he got into the coortyard he let his horse go and graze about the place, for the grass was growin' out betune the stones; everything was flourishin' thin in Dublin, you see.

'Where 'd ye wurruk last? 'Why, says th' Loot, 'I'm th' man that sunk th' ship, he says; 'an' I've been kissed be hundherds iv women at home, he says. 'Is that so? says Cousin George. 'Well, I don't b'lieve in sinkin' me own ship, he says. 'Whin I'm lookin' f'r a divarsion iv that kind, I sink somebody else's, he says. ''Tis cheaper.

I'm afeard I shall have to knock under soon. If I could but slay that thaif of a hunter that has been poking around here, I think I could go the Christian aisy; but whin I thinks of that man, I faals like the divil himself. They's no use tryin' to be pious whin he's around; so pass the jug if ye don't mane to fight meself."

It upset Mr Hazlit's preconceived ideas regarding the two countries so completely that he was perplexed. Not being a man of rapid thought he changed the subject: "You are a diver, you say?" "I am, sur." "And Mr Baldwin's partner if I understand you correctly?" "Well, we work together whin we're not workin' apart pritty regular.

Ferrall came down and joined us, and spoke to her at once. "Good morning, Mrs. Flaherty. Don't you do anything now, but just what you're told to do. And first, tell us a thing or two. How often do you come here? I've seen you in and out, now and again." "Yes, I do be comin' whin I'm sint for; not of a reg'lar day. Maybe wanst a week, maybe of'ner. Thin agin, not for a fortnight."

'Th' 'ell with me job, says Donahue. 'I'm not th' man to take wurruk whin they'se industhrees women with nawthin' to do, he says. 'Show me th' pa-apers, he says. 'I want to see where I can get an eighty-cint bonnet f'r two and a half. He's that stubborn he'd've stayed in bed all day, but th' good woman weakened. 'Come, she says, 'don't be foolish, she says.

Flanagan, however, laughed on peal after peal succeeded he tossed the pitchfork aside, and, clapping both his hands upon his face, continued the paroxysms until he recovered his composure. "Oh," said he, "I'm sick, I'm as wake as a child wid laughin'; but, Lord bless us, after all, Connor, what is a man's life worth whin he has an enemy near him?

But I may tell you, Orth'ris, an' you, Learoyd, that av all the palanquins ours was the most imperial an' magnificent Now a palanquin means a native lady all the world over, except whin a soldier av the Quane happens to be takin' a ride. 'Women an' priests! sez I. 'Your father's son is in the right pew this time, Terence. There will be proceedin's.