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"No, Mistress Amy; I do scarce think it." "Why, wouldst thou better love these yellow ones?" "To speak truth, Mistress Amy, I think you look best without either." "Dear heart, to hear the maid! Wouldst not thou fain have a pair, Bess?" "Nay, Mistress Amy, that would I not." "Wherefore?" "Because, as methinks, such tawdry gewgaws be unworthy a Christian profession.

But it was their will that she should be made perfect through suffering, and being set free through the gate of fire, should win her victory over unfaith and mortal fear. Wherefore I stood afar off at the end, seeing nothing of what befell; yet I clearly heard, as did all men there, the last word of her sweet voice, and the cry of JHESUS!

And as the man in the bow lifted his head, so, that he might know wherefore I wanted him, my arrow sang through the air straight to his throat, and he knew. The second man, who held paddle in the stern, had his rifle half to his shoulder when the first of my three spear-casts smote him. "'These be the first, I said, when the old men had gathered to me.

"Our good Algar comes to us with a suit well worthy consideration, though pressed somewhat hotly, and evincing too great a desire for goods worldly; contrasting in this his most laudable father our well-beloved Leofric, who spends his substance in endowing monasteries and dispensing alms; wherefore he shall receive a hundred-fold in the treasure-house above."

Proceeding on, we reached the banks of a river. "The morning appeared, and we had gone forth ten or twelve kos from the city. O, kind sir, from such a prison you have taken me out, and now wherefore this unkindness? He replied, 'Tell me the truth, who art thou. I answered, I am a traveller, and have been involved in unmerited calamity; by your humane assistance, I have at last come out alive.

The second difficulty is, that in nothing apart from men would it be possible to make this distinction, that is to say, Noble or Vile, which is very inconvenient; since, in each species of things we see the image of Nobility or of Baseness, wherefore we often call one horse noble and one vile; and one falcon noble and one vile; and one pearl noble and one vile.

Wherefore to put the question on the irrefragable basis of mathematics wherefore as A B 'My Novel' is not equal to B C 'The Golden Novel, nor to D E 'The Serious or Tragic Novel, it follows that A B 'My Novel' is equal to P C 'Pisistratus Caxton, and P C 'Pisistratus Caxton' must therefore be just equal, neither more nor less, to A B 'My Novel, which was to be demonstrated."

He delighted much in painting on cloth, either alone or in company with others; wherefore, in addition to the works mentioned above, he painted many church-banners.

The mischievous collie flew through space like a lithe mass of golden fluff; and came to earth, in a heap, at the edge of the drive; well clear of the menacing wheels. With Lad, it fared otherwise. The great dog had braced himself, with all his might, for the muscle-wrenching heave. Wherefore, he had no chance to spring clear, in time to avoid the car.

Wherefore I did labour so to speak the Word, as that thereby, if it were possible, the sins and person guilty might be particularized by it.