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And so we went on again, side by side, through the evening, and spoke no more until we had come to the parting of the ways. Down in the Hollow the shadows lay black and heavy, and I saw George shiver as he looked. "Good-by!" said I, clasping his hand; "good-by, George!" "Why do 'ee say good-by?" "Because I am going away." "Goin' away, Peter but wheer?" "God knows!"

"What's it all about?" said Valentine, rousing himself and remarking some little forked sticks held by the boys. "Why, it's an adder down that hole," cried one. "And it's a charm we've got for conjuring him," quoth the other. "And we only want Swanny to dig, and then if the charm is only a sham charm, the adder will come out." "I should have thought he was a sight better wheer he is," said Swan.

She'd wore th' loike at her work i' Deepton, an' she made up her moind to wear 'em agen. Yo' didna know her when she coom here, an' no one else guessed at th' truth. She didna expect nowt, yo' see; she on'y wanted th' comfort o' hearin' th' voice she'd longed an' hungered fur; an' here wur wheer she could hear it.

Never say no sawl's lost while you give all power to the Maker o' sawls. Go in fear, I sez, else theer'll come a whirlwind o' God-sent sorrer to strike wheer your heart's desire be rooted. 'Tis allus so allus " Tom entered upon these words, and Uncle Chirgwin's eyes dropping upon him as he spoke, his utterance sounded like a prophecy.

"I'm afraid not, my lad." With a great effort he screwed his mind to another question. "Wheer did A' coom in?" "About sixth, but you ran awfully well." Sixth! He had come in sixth!

Peggotty began, as he raised his eyes to ours, 'to my lodging, wheer I have a long time been expecting of her and preparing fur her. It was hours afore she knowed me right; and when she did, she kneeled down at my feet, and kiender said to me, as if it was her prayers, how it all come to be.

So I should if I could ha' got at him; but he fled hither an' he fled thither, and he was about me like a cooper a-walkin' round a cask. An' I was fule enough to lose temper, an' the crowd begun to laugh an' gibe at me, an' I took to räacin' round after him, an' my wind went, an' wheer was I then? He knocked me down fair an' square he did it. Th' on'y time it iver chanced to me.

Also George Gough, as has fought fifteen knuckle fights within the last two years, and won 'em all, one man down and the next come on. If there's any sportsman here as cares to 'ave a turn at him, there's half-a-crown and a glass of sperrits for the man as stands before George Gough five minutes, no matter wheer he comes from.

His eyes sparkled as they fell upon the face of his uncle. "Ye've got back, Johnnie," said the old man. "Yas. 'Twas hotter'n a red-hot stove on the road." "Ye druv in with the widder woman?" "Yas. I druv in with her; but I walked back. Guess I run the most o' the way, too." "An' Mis' Janssen wheer is she?" "I dunno', uncle Abram." "Is she still a widder woman, Johnnie?"

I never pass by, says 'e, 'but I takes a peep inside, jest to make sure as theer aren't no legs a-danglin', nor nobody 'unched up dead in the dark. It's such a nice, quiet place, e used to say, shakin' 'is lead, and smilin' sad-like, 'I wonder as nobody's never thought of it afore. Well, one day, sure enough, poor Bill Nye disappeared nobody knowed wheer.