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I'se only drawed up wid de rheumatiz, dat's all. 'Come ober heah to de light, says he, 'an' let me look in yo' mouf, an' see whedder yer hab got any teef. So I went wid him, an' while he was a-purtendin' to find out my p'ints he says to me, very quiet, 'Yer ain't dat gal's husband, nohow, says he, 'an' yer knows it.: 'I knows it, massa, says I, 'an' I'se skeered for my life ob her, fur she done said she'd kill any one dey dar'd to mate wid her: she's done got a husband ob her own up de ribber, I reckon. 'Yes, dat am de truf, says Massa John Brown; 'but see here, uncle: de Lord has done 'p'inted yer to be a guardian angel to dat po' chile.

You is a genlman, and berry polite, Missa Qui, and Miss Rosa is beyond 'spression. Dere is few ob de fair sec equal Miss Rosa. Let me see," he continued, with a thoughtful air, and looking on the ground, "whedder I not disappoint some genlman. When I come round de corner I see Missa Tracy boy going toward my house. Now, probably he bring invite for me.

Sometimes a body can't tell whedder you's a sayin' what you means or whedder you's a sayin' what you don't mean, 'case you says 'em bofe de same way." "But how should I know whether they were boys or girls?" 'Sides, don't it call 'em de HE-brew chil'en? If dey was gals wouldn't dey be de SHE-brew chil'en? Some people dat kin read don't 'pear to take no notice when dey do read."

I lef 'em sleepin'; and come out for to see whedder dar war any Injines crawlin' round in de woods, and I didn't see none but you, and you ain't an Injine." The appointed hour for the meeting between Hans Vanderbum and Oonomoo having arrived, the Dutchman added: "He ish to meet me 'bout dis time or leetles sooner, and, so we both goes togedder mit each oder, so dat we won't bees alone."

"Come here, my good fellow," he cried. The man approached slowly, cautiously. "I won't hurt you," Graham resumed; "indeed you can see that I'm in your power. Won't you help me?" "Dunno, mas'r," was the non-committal reply. "Are you in favor of Lincoln's men or the Confederates?" "Dunno, mas'r. It 'pends." "It depends upon what?" "On whedder you'se a Linkum man or 'Federate."

"Dat question acquire some reflexum," answered the General. "Whedder it was old Holden or de fisherman ghost dat gib him de strike on de back?" "No, I don't mean that. I mean whether he thought you or me had anything to do with it." "I guess not," said the General, doubtingly. "If sich an idee git into his head, somebody will put it dere." "Well, what did he say coming home?"

Do you think I am an ostrich or a cormorant, or that I am going to entertain a party of friends?" asked Capitola, in astonishment, turning from the wash stand, where she stood bathing her face. "'Deed I dunno, Miss, whedder you'se an ostrizant or not, but I knows I don't 'tend for to be 'bused any more 'bout wittels, arter findin' out how cross empty people can be! Dar dey is!

"I dunno, honey," answered Mammy; "I hyear 'em say hit wuz 'long o' some fightin' or nuther wat de white folks fit one time; but whedder dat wuz de time wat Brer David fit Goliar or not, I dunno; I ain't hyeard 'em say 'bout dat: it mout er ben dat time, an' den ergin it mout er ben de time wat Brer Samson kilt up de folks wid de jawbone.

The negro, who, although comparatively short of stature, was Herculean in build, looked at the youth with an amused expression. "You're bery good, sar, but dat's not what I's t'inkin' ob. I's t'inkin' whedder I dar' ventur' to introdoce you to my massa. He's not fond o' company, an' it might make 'im angry, but he came by a heaby loss lately an' p'raps he may cond'send to receibe you.

The negro, who, although comparatively short of stature, was herculean in build, looked at the youth with an amused expression. "You're bery good, sar, but da's not what I's t'inkin' ob. I's t'inkin' whedder I dar' ventur' to introdoce you to my massa. He's not fond o' company, an' it might make 'im angry, but he came by a heaby loss lately an' p'raps he may cond'send to receibe you.