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Will came this morning he was all dressed up and had his shoes blacked. i knew that wood make Gim want to lick him. i felt kinder mean when he came becaus he seamed glad to see me, and mother sed i hope you boys will have a real nice time together, and i sed i gess we will. so after dinner i asked him to go over to Beanys and we went over and Gim was there and Potter and Pewt and Fatty and Billy Swett came with Fatty and he wispered he wood giv me a whailbone bow.

Sept. 15, 186- Brite and fair. i forgot to say that i giv Will the whailbone bow that Billy Swett giv me to see the fite. he was glad to get it i tell you, and he sed i was the best feller he knew. i told him when he came here agen we wood have some more fun. mother gave him 25 cents and gave me ten cents for being so good to him. me and Pewt and Beany had some goozeberies down to old Si Smiths. father told me one time i cood have a football, so i asked him tonite and he sed i dident desirve ennything, that i had caused him a good deal of truble, ennyway i am going to have 2 bladders.

Nellie has got well and we had a ride today after church and i let Will drive. in the afternoon Beany and Pewt came over and we had a shooting mach with the whailbone bow behind the barn. i told Beany and Pewt not to tell for if they did father woodent let us go together agen. Fatty and Potter and Billy Swett wont tell ether.