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"Then his struggles with the bush ceased and he opened his eyes and stared about him in bewilderment. "Wh-what is the matter? Wh-where am I?" he stammered, gazing around stupidly. "You've been asleep and dreaming," explained Snap. "You thought you were after a bear." "So I was -after a dozen bears. Did I -I kill any?" "There are no bears here. You were only dreaming." "Oh!"

"How do you feel?" I asked anxiously. Her throat was parched by the asphyxiating fumes, but she smiled brightly, though weakly. "Wh-where did I get that?" she managed to gasp finally, catching sight of the rose in her hand. "Did you put it there?" I shook my head and she gazed at the rose, wondering. Whoever the little man was, he was gone. I longed for Craig.

Bennington's chaos had not yet crystallized to relevancy. "Wh-where did you get it?" he stammered again. "IS THIS WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR?" she demanded in very large capitals. The young man regained control of his faculties with an effort.

"Wh-where?" she asked. She was anxious not to appear awkward, but she did not see any particular place to sit. "On the cake, dear, of course," said Pirlaps, who seemed never to tire of smiling at her odd little questions. Sara had never done this before, but she was willing to try; and she was just about to climb upon the cake when another thought deterred her. "But the candles?

Well, I suppose he'll find out before long, for Rackliff will blow on me. I'll have to face it, that's all. I wonder wh-where Grant is." A few moments later he found the fellow he was seeking, the doctor having just finished bandaging Rod's injured fingers.

"Yes, yes, I must go," she cried as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Then she realised the strange surroundings and faces. "Where is my hat wh-where am I? What has happened?" "You are all right," soothed Kennedy gently. "Now rest. Try to forget everything for a little while, and you will be all right. You are among friends."

"Wh-where are we?" Tom sputtered, blowing the snow out of his mouth and shaking it from his coat and hair and ears. "Hi, there! Look out!" roared Righty, grabbing Tom by the coat sleeve and yanking him off to one side.

The family, roused from bed by his knocking, made out from his speech, more incoherent than usual, that he was begging their pardon for having killed their dog. "I saw wh-where he'd bit th-the throats out of two ewes that w-was due to lamb in a few days and I guess I I I must ha' gone kind o' crazy. They was ones I liked special. I'd brought 'em up myself. They they was all over blood, you know."